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Briggs And Stratton Air Filter, 25 Things You Should Know

Ensuring peak performance from your small engine is essential, and one critical component you cannot overlook is the air filter. We will be delving into the value of Briggs and Stratton air filters and their role in maintaining your engines’ efficiency.

Briggs and Stratton air filter:

Regularly servicing and maintaining your engine’s air filter is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Briggs and Stratton offer various air filters, including paper, foam, and dual-stage filters. Proper installation, regular inspection, and timely replacement or cleaning of air filters are essential to ensure engine efficiency. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance instructions specific to your engine model and air filter type.

Explore the Briggs & Stratton air filter world as we break down their essential features, top models, and benefits. Gain valuable insights to make an informed decision for your small engine equipment and enhance performance longevity. Keep reading to learn more.


Briggs and Stratton Air Filter Replacement

As an experienced small engine repair technician, I can’t stress enough the importance of regularly servicing and maintaining your engine’s air filter. I will discuss the essential functions and advantages of Briggs and Stratton air filters and the various types available on the market.

I will also provide tips on correctly installing and maintaining these filters to ensure your engine’s optimal performance and longevity.

Understanding the Role of Air Filters

Air filters play a crucial role in the performance of a gasoline engine, such as those found in lawnmowers, generators, and pressure washers. Their primary function is to ensure clean air enters the combustion chamber during intake.

Clean air is necessary for proper combustion of the fuel-air mixture, ultimately providing power to the engine.

A high-quality air filter, such as a Briggs and Stratton air filter, effectively removes dust, dirt, and debris from the incoming air before it enters the engine. Doing so protects engine components, including the carburetor and valves, from wear and damage caused by abrasive particles.

Moreover, a clean air filter ensures optimal engine performance by maintaining the correct air-fuel mixture ratio for efficient combustion.

Types of Briggs and Stratton Air Filters

Briggs and Stratton offer a wide range of air filters designed for their various engine models. Here are the most common types of air filters available:

– Paper Air Filters

Paper air filters are the most widely used type of filter in small engines. They consist of pleated paper material that removes dust particles and contaminants as air passes through them. These filters are generally easy to install, affordable, and provide efficient filtration.

However, they have a finite service life and should be replaced regularly, typically after 25 hours of operation or once per season.

– Foam Air Filters

Foam air filters are made from a porous, open-cell foam material with excellent filtration capabilities. As air flows through, these filters trap dirt and debris within the foam structure.

Foam filters are washable and reusable, making them cost-effective for long-term use. They are ideal for engines operating in dusty environments, such as off-road vehicles and lawnmowers.

– Dual-Stage Air Filters

Dual-stage air filters combine paper and foam filters that provide advanced filtration performance. The foam layer serves as a pre-filter, trapping larger debris and extending the life of the pleated paper element.

This design offers superior filtration capabilities and better protection for the engine.

Maintaining Briggs and Stratton Air Filters

Regular maintenance and service of your air filter are crucial to ensure engine performance and longevity. Here are some general tips on air filter maintenance:

– Inspect the Air Filter Regularly

Frequently inspect your air filter to ensure it is clean and debris-free. If it appears excessively dirty, replace it with a new one. Remember that a paper air filter cannot be cleaned and should always be replaced.

Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended replacement intervals.

– Clean Foam Air Filters

If you use a foam air filter, follow manufacturer guidelines for cleaning and re-oiling the filter. A typical recommendation is to clean the filter every 25 hours of operation or once per season, whichever comes first.

Cleaning can be done using a mild detergent, water, soft brush, and air drying.

Remember to re-oil the foam with engine oil before reinstalling it on the engine.

– Ensure Proper Installation

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installing the air filter correctly. Failure to do so may lead to the filter’s improper seating, allowing unfiltered air to enter the engine and causing potential damage.

In Conclusion

A well-maintained air filter is crucial for the reliable and efficient operation of your Briggs and Stratton engine. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing your air filter, can significantly improve your engine’s performance and extend its life.

Lastly, check the manufacturer Briggs and Stratton‘s website for specific maintenance guidelines on your engine model and air filter type. Remember that your engine is only as good as you maintain it, and a clean air filter is essential for proper engine function.

Is it Possible to Clean a Briggs and Stratton Air Filter?

Briggs and Stratton’s engines are commonly used in various outdoor power equipment, such as lawnmowers, generators, and pressure washers. One of the key components of these engines is the air filter, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the engine’s performance and longevity.

Over time, the air filter may become dirty and need cleaning or replacement. I will discuss whether you can wash a Briggs and Stratton air filter, how to do it correctly, and when to consider replacing it.

Types of Briggs and Stratton Air Filters

Two main types of air filters are used in Briggs and Stratton engines: foam filters and paper filters. The cleaning and maintenance for these filters are different, and it’s essential to know which type of filter your engine has before attempting any cleaning or maintenance.

– Foam Filters

Foam filters are made from a porous, sponge-like material that can be washed and reused multiple times. They are commonly found in older Briggs and Stratton engines, as well as in some newer models.

– Paper Filters

Paper filters are made from layers of pleated paper designed to trap dust and debris from entering the engine.

These filters are typically found in newer Briggs and Stratton engines and are intended for single use only, meaning they should be replaced when dirty rather than washed and reused.

Washing a Foam Air Filter

If your Briggs and Stratton engine has a foam air filter, you can follow these steps to clean and maintain it:

  1. Remove the filter from the engine – Before beginning the cleaning process, ensure that the engine is turned off and has had time to cool down. Locate the air filter housing and remove the cover, then gently remove the foam filter from its housing.
  2. Clean the filter using soap and water – Fill a container with warm water and a small amount of mild dish soap. Immerse the foam filter in the soapy water and gently squeeze it to remove dirt and debris. Avoid wringing or twisting the filter, as this can damage its structure.
  3. Rinse the filter thoroughly – Once the filter is clean, rinse it thoroughly under running water to remove any remaining soap residue. Ensure the water runs clear through the filter, indicating it is fully rinsed.
  4. Allow the filter to air dry completely – After rinsing, place the filter on a clean, dry surface and allow it to air dry. Do not attempt to speed up the drying process by using heat, as this can damage the foam material.
  5. Re-oil the filter (optional) – Some foam filters may require re-oiling after cleaning. If your engine’s owners manual recommends oiling the filter, apply a small amount of clean engine oil and squeeze it gently to distribute it evenly. It’s essential not to over-oil the filter, which can lead to poor engine performance.
  6. Reinstall the filter and cover – Once the filter is completely dry (and oiled, if applicable), place it back into the air filter housing and secure the cover.

When to Replace a Paper Air Filter

If your Briggs and Stratton engine has a paper air filter, replacing it when it becomes dirty or damaged is essential. Attempting to wash a paper filter can cause it to lose its filtration capabilities and result in poor engine performance.

To ensure your engine remains healthy and efficient, check your owner’s manual for the recommended air filter replacement interval and follow it accordingly. You can also visually inspect the filter every few months and replace it if it appears excessively dirty or damaged.

Where to Find Replacement Air Filters

Genuine Briggs and Stratton air filters can be purchased from authorized dealers, online retailers, or home improvement stores. Ensure you choose the correct filter for your engine model, as using an incorrect or ill-fitting filter can impact engine performance and potentially cause damage.

For accurate information on the correct air filter for your engine, refer to your owner’s manual or visit the Briggs and Stratton website for further guidance.


In conclusion, whether or not you can wash a Briggs and Stratton air filter depends on the type of filter your engine uses. Foam filters can be washed and reused, while paper filters should be replaced when dirty.

Properly maintaining your engine’s air filter can help ensure optimal performance and longevity for your Briggs and Stratton engine.

Can you wash a Briggs and Stratton air filter?
Yes, you can wash a foam element Briggs and Stratton air filter using warm soapy water. Make sure to dry it completely before re-oiling and reinstalling it. However, paper-element air filters cannot be washed and should be replaced when dirty.

Is it Necessary to Oil the Briggs & Stratton Air Filters?

Briggs & Stratton is renowned in the small engine and power equipment manufacturing industry. A significant part of their engines’ performance lies in the efficiency of their air filters. It is only natural for users to ask, “Do Briggs & Stratton air filters need to be oiled?”

Understanding the Importance of Air Filters

Air filters are crucial components of a small engine like those from Briggs & Stratton. They prevent dirt, dust, and debris from entering the engine, ensuring its internal components remain clean and function smoothly.

A clogged and dirty air filter can reduce engine efficiency, power loss, and, ultimately, engine damage.

Wet and Dry Air Filters: The Difference

Air filters can be classified into two major categories: wet and dry. The former is made from foam or a blend of foam and paper, while the latter is exclusively made of paper. Wet filters require oil to function optimally, while dry filters are designed to function without oil.

– Wet Air Filters: The Role of Oil

In wet air filters, the foam element serves as a reservoir for the oil. When air passes through this foam, dust and debris particles stick to the oil, preventing them from entering the engine.

Oil is an essential component of wet air filters, and without it, dirt particles can easily bypass the foam and infiltrate the engine.

– Dry Air Filters: No Oil Needed

Dry air filters, on the other hand, do not need oil. These filters are primarily made of pleated paper, efficiently trapping dirt particles without any oil. Adding oil to a dry air filter can cause damage to the paper element and decrease its efficiency.

Identifying Briggs & Stratton Air Filters: Wet vs. Dry

Most Briggs & Stratton engines use dry air filters, especially those powering lawnmowers, pressure washers, and generators. However, some older models might still have a wet, foam-like air filter that requires oiling.

It is crucial to closely inspect the type of air filter used in your specific Briggs & Stratton engine before attempting to oil it. Briggs & Stratton’s official page contains essential information about air filter types and their maintenance.

How to Oil a Wet Briggs & Stratton Air Filter

If you own an older Briggs & Stratton engine with a foam-type air filter that requires oil, here are the necessary steps:

  1. Remove the air filter: First, remove the air filter from your engine by loosening the screw or fastener responsible for holding it in place.
  2. Clean the air filter: Run the foam element under warm water and use mild soap to clean off all dirt and debris. Gently squeeze the foam to remove excess water and allow it to dry completely.
  3. Apply oil: Pour motor oil into a shallow bowl or tray once the foam is dry. Dip the foam into the oil, ensuring it’s covered evenly. Squeeze the foam gently to remove excess oil, which could cause the filter to become overly saturated and potentially harm the engine.
  4. Reinstall the air filter: Finally, place it back in its housing and reattach the fastener.

Maintaining Dry Briggs & Stratton Air Filters

Proper maintenance means regular cleaning and replacement for most Briggs & Stratton engines using dry air filters. The maintenance procedure for these filters is as follows:

  1. Remove the air filter: Like wet filters, remove the air filter from your engine.
  2. Inspect the air filter: Inspect the filter for any visible dirt or debris. Lightly tap it against a hard surface to dislodge any loose dust particles.
  3. Replace if necessary: If the air filter appears excessively dirty or damaged, replace it with a new, compatible filter specific to your Briggs & Stratton engine.
  4. Reinstall the air filter: Once cleaned or replaced, reassemble it in its housing and secure it in place.


The primary takeaway is that most Briggs & Stratton engines use dry air filters that do not require oiling. However, a few models may still have wet air filters that need oil for proper functioning.

Proper identification of the air filter type is crucial before attempting any maintenance procedures.

Following the steps outlined above will ensure your Briggs & Stratton engine remains in optimal working condition.

When is the Appropriate Time to Replace My Briggs and Stratton Air Filter?

Your Briggs and Stratton engine powers your outdoor power equipment, and the air filter in your engine is crucial for ensuring optimal performance. Replacing the air filter is a simple task, but knowing when to replace it is key to maintaining the longevity and efficiency of your engine.

I will cover the signs for determining whether to change your air filter and some tips to help you do it effectively.

Importance of a Clean Air Filter

Before diving into when to replace your air filter, let’s briefly touch on why a clean air filter is important for your engine. A clean air filter provides the following benefits:

  • Ensures proper airflow to the engine
  • Prevents the ingestion of dirt and debris that can damage internal components
  • Maintains optimal engine performance and fuel efficiency
  • Prolongs the life of your engine

Now that we understand the importance of a clean air filter let’s move on to the signs that indicate it’s time for a replacement.

Recommended Replacement Intervals

Briggs and Stratton recommend changing your air filter every 25-50 hours or at least once a season, whichever comes first. The specific interval will depend on the conditions under which your engine operates.

For instance, if you often use your equipment in dusty or dirty environments, you should replace the air filter more frequently.

Keep in mind that these recommendations are general guidelines. Some specific signs indicate it’s time for a new air filter.

Signs Your Air Filter Needs Replacement

1. Visual Inspection

A visual inspection is one of the easiest ways to determine if your air filter needs to be replaced. To do this:

  1. Locate your air filter housing, typically found on the side of your engine.
  2. Remove the cover and carefully take out the air filter.
  3. Check the filter for excessive dirt or debris. If it is clogged, it’s time for a new one.

Remember that while some dirt on the filter is normal, an excessively dirty or clogged filter will restrict airflow and negatively impact engine performance.

2. Reduced Engine Performance

If you’ve noticed a decrease in the performance of your Briggs and Stratton engine, such as decreased power or difficulty starting, it may be due to a dirty or clogged air filter. Replacing the air filter can restore your engine’s performance and make it run smoother.

3. Increased Fuel Consumption

A dirty air filter can result in a lack of airflow to the engine. This, in turn, can cause the engine to work harder and consume more fuel. If you’ve noticed your Briggs and Stratton engine is using more fuel than usual, it may be time to replace the air filter.

How to Choose the Right Air Filter

When it comes to replacing your air filter, choosing the correct filter for your specific engine model is essential. An incorrect or poorly fitting filter can lead to engine damage or poor performance.

To find the right air filter for your Briggs and Stratton engine, consult your owner’s manual or visit the Briggs and Stratton website for information on compatible air filters.

Tips for Replacing Your Air Filter

Here are some tips to help make the process of replacing your air filter go smoothly:

  1. Always use a genuine Briggs and Stratton air filter, as they are designed specifically for optimal performance and a perfect fit.
  2. Clean the air filter housing before installing the new filter to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated. This helps ensure proper airflow and prevents contaminants from entering the engine.
  3. Make a note of when you last replaced your air filter to help keep track of when future replacements are needed.


In conclusion, it is crucial to replace your Briggs and Stratton air filter regularly to maintain the performance and longevity of your engine. Pay attention to the recommended replacement intervals, watch for signs of a dirty or clogged filter, and always choose the correct air filter for your engine model.

Following these guidelines will help ensure your Briggs and Stratton engine runs efficiently and provides you with reliable power for your outdoor equipment needs.

What is the Recommended Frequency of Changing Air Filters on a Briggs and Stratton Engine?

Briggs and Stratton’s engines are widely used in lawn mowers, generators, snow blowers, and other small engine applications. Proper maintenance of these engines is crucial to ensure they function efficiently and last for several years.

One significant aspect of engine maintenance is regularly changing the air filter.

I will discuss the importance of changing the air filter, determining the correct interval to change the air filter, and providing a step-by-step guide on how to change the air filter on a Briggs and Stratton engine.

Importance of Changing the Air Filter

The air filter’s primary function is to remove dust, debris, and other particles from the air before it enters the engine. Clean air keeps the engine running smoothly and efficiently.

However, when the air filter becomes dirty or clogged, it reduces the air intake, causing poor engine performance, increased fuel consumption, and possible engine damage.

Therefore, changing the air filter regularly is vital to maintaining engine efficiency and preventing costly repairs or engine replacement.

Determining When to Change the Air Filter

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should change the air filter on a Briggs and Stratton engine. The frequency of air filter replacement depends on several factors such as the engine type, model, usage, and environmental conditions.

However, a general rule of thumb is to replace the air filter every 25 operating hours or at the beginning of each mowing season.

– Operating Hours

Keeping track of the engine’s operating hours is essential in determining when to change the air filter. The more hours you use the engine, the dirtier the air filter becomes.

– Usage and Environment

The frequency of air filter replacement also depends on how you use the engine and the working conditions. For instance, if you mow lawns on dusty or sandy terrain, you may need to replace the air filter more frequently than someone mowing on clean grassy surfaces.

Additionally, engines used in harsh climates or during long working hours require more frequent maintenance.

– Owner’s Manual Recommendations

Always consult the owner’s manual for your Briggs and Stratton engine model, as it provides detailed instructions on proper maintenance intervals, including air filter replacement. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations will ensure your engine’s best performance and longevity.

Here is a link to the Briggs and Stratton website to find your specific engine’s owner manual for more accurate recommendations.

How to Change the Air Filter on a Briggs and Stratton Engine

Changing the air filter on a Briggs and Stratton engine is a straightforward process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to change the air filter without any hassle:

– Step 1: Gather Necessary Supplies

Before starting the process, gather the necessary supplies, including:

  • A new air filter compatible with your engine model
  • A cloth or rag for cleaning the air filter housing
  • A screwdriver (depending on your engine model)

– Step 2: Turn Off the Engine

Before working on any engine components, always shut off the engine and allow it to cool for at least 15 minutes to prevent potential burns.

– Step 3: Locate the Air Filter

Find the air filter housing on your Briggs and Stratton engine, typically located on the side of the engine. The housing is covered by a plastic or metal cover held by a screw, snap, or a simple twist lock.

– Step 4: Remove the Air Filter Cover

Remove the air filter cover using the appropriate method for your engine model. You may need to unscrew or unclip the cover to access the air filter.

– Step 5: Remove the Old Air Filter

With the cover removed, you can now remove the old air filter. Carefully pull the air filter out of the housing, noting its orientation for properly installing the new air filter.

– Step 6: Clean the Air Filter Housing

With the old air filter removed, use a clean cloth or rag to wipe any debris or dust from the air filter housing. This will help ensure that only clean air enters the engine with the new air filter in place.

– Step 7: Install the New Air Filter

Install the new air filter into the housing. Make sure it is correctly oriented, as this will affect the engine performance.

– Step 8: Replace the Air Filter Cover

With the new air filter in place, attach the air filter cover back onto the housing using the appropriate method for your engine model (screw, snap, or twist lock).

– Step 9: Restart the Engine

After replacing the air filter and securing the air filter cover, start the engine and let it run for a few minutes. This will allow the engine to adjust to the new air filter and ensure proper operation.

Following these simple steps ensures that your Briggs and Stratton engine operates efficiently, reducing fuel consumption and preventing unnecessary wear and tear on engine components.

Regularly changing the air filter will prolong your engine’s life and save you money in the long run.

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  1. Arthur May says:

    This article helped me understand why my engine was underperforming, it was the air filter all along!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for sharing your experience, Arthur! Regular air filter maintenance is key to engine performance. Keep up the good work in maintaining your engine’s efficiency.

  2. Gene Garrett says:

    I never realized the impact a dirty air filter could have on my engine’s efficiency, thanks for the eye-opener!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thanks for your feedback, Gene! Regular air filter maintenance is key to engine efficiency. Keep up the good work in taking care of your engine!

  3. Raul Sanders says:

    Is there a specific way to clean a paper air filter in a Briggs and Stratton engine?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regularly clean or replace the paper air filter in your Briggs and Stratton engine for optimal performance and longevity. Remember to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific maintenance instructions.

  4. Connor Howell says:

    Can I clean a foam air filter with just water or do I need soap?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      It’s best to clean a foam air filter with mild soap and water to maintain optimal engine performance. Avoid using just water, as soap helps remove debris effectively.

  5. Leo Thomas says:

    Great breakdown of the different types of air filters available for Briggs and Stratton engines, very useful information.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Leo! I appreciate your positive feedback on the air filter breakdown for Briggs and Stratton engines. It’s essential to maintain peak engine performance. Keep checking back for more valuable information.

  6. Gloria Caldwell says:

    What differences can I expect in my engine’s performance after replacing the air filter?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regularly replacing your engine’s air filter is crucial for optimal performance and efficiency. Follow manufacturer guidelines for maintenance intervals to ensure peak engine performance.

  7. Erica Shaw says:

    I had no idea about the different types of air filters available for small engines, this article was enlightening.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Erica! I’m glad you found the article enlightening. Remember to regularly check and maintain your air filter for optimal engine performance.

  8. Freddie Grant says:

    The step-by-step guide to changing the air filter was easy to follow, even for someone like me who is not mechanically inclined.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your feedback, Freddie! I’m glad to hear that the air filter guide was helpful, even for those who are not mechanically inclined. Your input is appreciated!

  9. Alma Larson says:

    Are there any specific tools required to replace the air filter in a Briggs and Stratton engine?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Yes, specific tools are not required to replace the air filter in a Briggs and Stratton engine. It can be easily done with basic tools and proper installation techniques.

  10. Holly Bell says:

    Can I use a generic air filter instead of a Briggs and Stratton one?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Yes, using a generic air filter may compromise your Briggs and Stratton engine’s performance. Stick to the manufacturer-recommended filters for optimal efficiency and longevity.

  11. Norman Carroll says:

    I will definitely be more mindful of checking and replacing my air filter after reading this article, thanks for the useful tips!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your positive feedback, Norman! Maintaining your air filter is essential for peak performance. If you have any questions about Briggs and Stratton air filters or small engine maintenance, feel free to ask!

  12. Julie Oliver says:

    How do I know if I have a foam or paper air filter in my Briggs and Stratton engine?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Julie, be sure to check for a foam air filter if it’s washable or paper if it needs replacing. Consult your manufacturer’s guidelines for proper maintenance instructions specific to your Briggs and Stratton engine.

  13. Stella Hughes says:

    I am now more confident in maintaining my small engine after reading this article, thank you for the valuable insights!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      I’m glad you found the insights valuable, Stella! Proper maintenance is key for small engines. Keep up the good work!

  14. Wendy Riley says:

    Good to know the importance of air filters in maintaining small engines like Briggs and Stratton, very informative!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Wendy! I’m glad you found the information on Briggs and Stratton air filters informative. Regular maintenance is key to engine performance.

  15. Tanya Alvarez says:

    How often should I check the air filter in my Briggs and Stratton engine?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regularly check the air filter in your Briggs and Stratton engine every 25 hours or at least once per season. Proper maintenance is key to engine efficiency and longevity.

  16. Jerry Hall says:

    Thank you for the detailed steps on how to change the air filter in a Briggs and Stratton engine, very helpful!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Jerry! I’m glad you found the steps on changing the air filter helpful. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions. Happy to help!

  17. Bruce Grant says:

    What are the dangers of not replacing a dirty air filter in a Briggs and Stratton engine?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regularly replacing your air filter is critical for maintaining peak performance and protecting your Briggs and Stratton engine from damage. Remember, clean air equals efficient engine function.

  18. Genesis Simmons says:

    What are the signs that indicate a Briggs and Stratton air filter needs to be replaced?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regularly replacing your Briggs and Stratton air filter is essential for optimal engine performance and longevity. Signs to watch for include decreased power, increased fuel consumption, and visibly dirty or clogged filters.

  19. Charlie Kelley says:

    Where can I find the specific replacement interval for my Briggs and Stratton air filter?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      For specific replacement intervals, consult your Briggs and Stratton engine’s manual or their website. Regular maintenance is key for optimal performance.

  20. Cherly Ferguson says:

    I appreciate the reminder to check and replace the air filter regularly to keep the engine running smoothly, great advice!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Cheryl! Regular air filter maintenance is key to optimal engine performance. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for replacement intervals and proper installation. Keep your engine running smoothly!
