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Mowing after weed and feed, what should you do?

Are you wondering how to mow after using weed and feed? We’ve got you covered. With our expert advice, you’ll master this in no time. Get ready to transform your lawn into the envy of the neighborhood! Let’s discuss the optimal approach.

Mowing after weed and feed, what should you do:

Mowing just before or soon after weed and feed application is not beneficial. The weed and feed granules are collected or dispersed unevenly before they can work. The best practice is to mow the lawn to a correct height a couple of days before the weed and feed application or a couple of days after the application in case you use post-emergent weed and feed.

This article will guide you by mowing your lawn after applying weed and feed to achieve the best results. It will discuss the effects of cutting too short or leaving the grass to grow long after weeding and feeding.

You’ll also find information about the best time to apply weed and feed to your lawn and precautions that must be taken to avoid any mess.


Mowing before or after weed and feed application

Mowing the lawn just before weed and feed application may damage and burn the grass. Mowing causes stress to the grass and creates wounds on the grass blades. The chemicals in weed and feed products may affect the wounded blades of the grass and burn them.

Herbicides in the weed and feed product work better when the grass is not compacted from mowing. This is crucial when planning your lawn before or after a weed and feed application.

Waiting a few days after a lawn has been treated with weed and feed is also recommended for mowing your lawn again. Mowing before or after a weed and feed application has different effects. Mowing the lawn instantly after weeding and feeding the application does no good to your lawn.

The granules of weed and feed products get collected in the mower bag and don’t have any time to work before the mower picks them up.

If you mow the lawn without bagging the clippings, even then, the weed and feed product’s granules are irregularly dispersed by the mower, creating some areas full of weed and feed and others with no granules of the product. These are essential mowing tips to keep in mind.

The Consequences of Mowing Weeds Before Application

Mowing the lawn after weed and feed application can be more effective if your lawn already has weeds growing and you use a weed and feed product with a post-emergent herbicide.

Mowing weeds before weed and feed application chops off the weeds and reduces the surface area of the weed leaves that would otherwise take up the chemical and hinder weeds’ growth. As such, this doesn’t allow the product to work effectively.

These are common questions that arise when considering lawns before or after weed and feed application.

“Always wear protective clothing when applying the product. Keep children and pets off the lawn until the product has been watered and dried. Safety has always been a priority in my 20 years of gardening

Mowing height always helps to battle against weeds. A careful balance must be maintained between keeping the grass long enough to help the weeds from going to seeds and cutting the grass too short.

Mowing height always helps to battle against weeds. A careful balance must be maintained between keeping the grass long enough to help the weeds from going to seeds and cutting the grass too short. Weed control treatments can be more effective with the proper mowing height.

“Weed and feed” and bagging while mowing

If your lawn faces severe weed infestation and has gone to seed, you must consider bagging the grass clipping before applying weed and feed. This helps to stop the seeds from spreading all over the lawn and affecting healthy areas.

Once the weed and feed treatment is done, you can leave the clipping on the grass for the next few times you mow the grass. These clippings will help to mulch the turf. Cutting a few days after weed and feed application allows the leftover product granules to break down and redistribute around the mowing area.

The same applies to bagging clippings using liquid weed and feed products. The clippings with chemicals left on them will break down and release into the soil.

Mowing too short after weed and feed

Mowing too short after weeding and feeding makes your lawn more vulnerable to weather stress, weeds, and diseases. Cutting the grass too short also inhibits root growth. When grass is mowed too fast, the leaves’ surface area, where the grass makes food, is reduced.

Therefore, it relies on roots to grow, which weakens the roots, and they are less able to endure rain and drought.

Shallow roots require more water, making it difficult for the grass to maintain moisture. A grass mowed too low has fewer leaves available for photosynthesis, and, as a result, this damages the grass. Short grass exposes the turf to direct heat, which causes it to dry quickly – especially in summer.

Therefore, extra care is needed for short grass by watering it frequently to protect it from drought. Moreover, grass is cut too short, struggles to fight intruders, and succumbs to disease, weeds, and pests.

Leaving the grass long after weed and feed

Growing grass too long after weeding and feeding is also not advisable, as it makes it difficult for the grass to hold itself up, and it drops on the surrounding grass, suffocating it. Long grass also traps moisture in the lower areas, making the lawn prone to fungus and other diseases.

The grass may grow unevenly, and your lawn may look rough. Moreover, there is also a high chance that the grass may turn yellow or brown. Not mowing for an extended time after weeding and feeding may cause the grass to go to seed, whereby its blades look more like weeds than grass.

Long grass may overwhelm your lawn mower and dull your mower’s blades when you try to mow it after a long time. Clippings left behind after mowing the longer grass are also longer and difficult to manage. Longer grass clippings often sit on the top of the lawn and are difficult to remove.

Do You Cut the Lawn and Weed First Before Applying Weed and Feed?

I recommend waiting at least 2 to 3 days after mowing your lawn before applying weed control treatments & feed. After treating your property with weed & feed, you should wait again at least 2 to 3 days before mowing.

This helps the grass to absorb the herbicide. If not, you will apply it partly to cut leaves or cut them before they are absorbed.

Always read the manufacturer’s recommendations for your particular weed & feed product.

When to weed and feed

Weed and feed products that contain pre-emergent herbicides must be applied in early spring before weeds appear. These products are applied over a dry lawn. A pre-emergent won’t affect the weeds once the weeds have already appeared on the lawn.

The lawns infested with broadleaf must be treated with weed and feed products containing post-emergent herbicides. These products must be applied over a wet property so that the product’s granules stick to the weed’s leaves. They must be used from late spring onward.

Weed and feed products contain both herbicides and fertilizer. They must be applied if your lawn has weeds and also need fertilizers. Using weeds and feeding over an entire lawn is only necessary if there are weeds.

Weather Considerations Before Applying Weed and Feed

If weeds are only present in a specific lawn area, you must apply fertilizer and herbicides separately. Using herbicides in areas with no weeds is just a waste of money, as that patch doesn’t require any herbicide treatment.

Therefore, you must always consider applying fertilizer and herbicide separately if you don’t have weeds.

Weed and feed products for bluegrasses, fescues, and ryegrasses should be applied in spring or fall. During this season, the weeds are actively growing in these grasses; hence, it is the best time to hinder their growth.

Different types of grass have different growth rates and resistance to weed and feed products, which can affect the timing and frequency of mowing. This is something I’ve learned from working with various lawns.

For warm-season grasses like bermudagrass, zoysia, and St. Augustine, the weed and feed should also be applied before the targeted weed seeds germinate.

Before applying weed and feed, the forecast should be clear of rain for at least 24 hours. To spread weed and feed evenly over the lawn, use a spreader. Sprinkle the grass before weeding and feed the application to dampen it.

Bagging the clippings before treatment

If your lawn suffers from a lot of weed, I recommend bagging the clippings before you apply the weed & feed. This will reduce the seeds spread around other parts of the grass.

After you have used the weed & treat, this is not needed. I even recommend not removing them after the first mow after treating your lawn with weed & feed. In that case, the clippings will contain some weed & feed; this will break down and reach the roots of the grass.

What you need to know about mowing and weed control: Mowing your lawn can significantly impact weed control. By understanding when to mow your lawn before or after treating it with weed control products, you can maximize their effectiveness and keep your property looking its best.

Getting a Quote: The First Step to Professional Lawn Care

Treatments can vary based on the type of weed you’re dealing with, so it’s essential to identify the weed species before applying any control treatments.

If you’re unsure how to proceed, don’t hesitate to get a quote from a professional lawn care service. They can provide expert advice and assistance to ensure your lawn stays healthy and weed-free.

Finally, remember that effective lawn care is a process, not a one-time event. Sinking your toes into a lush, green lawn takes time and patience. But with the right approach and regular care, you can achieve a beautiful and healthy lawn.

Weed and feed application

When you want to fertilize your turf and control the weeds with the same application, weed and feed are options.

The best way to choose the correct weed and feed product for your lawn is to observe your lawn care and decide whether you are trying to prevent weeds from growing or getting rid of the ones already there.

Use pre-emergent weed and feed products if you don’t have weeds on your lawn, and try to prevent future growth.

When you apply this product to your lawn, you create a barrier underneath the soil. When the weed seeds try to emerge on your property, they face this chemical barrier and die out before they can sprout.

A post-emergent weed and feed product is used when you have already grown weeds on your lawn and are trying to remove them. This product needs to stick to the weed leaves to hinder growth and prevent them from further growth. Make sure that the chemical doesn’t get washed off into the ground.

The two essential things to remember about weed and feed application are:

  • Watering lightly prior: Water the lawn lightly before applying the product so the leaves are wet and the granules stick to the leaves.
  • No watering after: Avoid watering soon after application to give the product time to absorb and take down to the roots.

Warnings and Precautions

Avoid mowing the lawn for at least one week after weed and feed application. Otherwise, the granules may get collected in the lawnmower bag.

Keep pets and children out of the area where weed and feed are applied. The product should stay on the lawn for at least two days before watering. You can mow the lawn after watering it once the lawn is dry.

Avoid using weed and feed products on new lawns. If you have planted grass seeds in your yard, you must wait for at least 16 months after their plantation. If you have planted sods, you should wait at least 3 months before applying weed and feed.

Reseeding the lawn soon after weed and feed application is not advisable. The product’s pre-emergent herbicides will hinder grass growth and prevent it from germinating. You should wait three to four weeks after applying weed and feed before reseeding the bare spots in your lawn.

Preventing Water Contamination: Proper Rinsing Techniques

Watering the lawn after weed and feed application washes the granules before they can work. Therefore, avoid flooding the lawn for at least two days after application.

After application, pour the water on the grass and not down the drain when rinsing spreaders and other equipment types to prevent the contamination of waterways.

Weed and feed products work on broadleaf weeds only. If you have grass-like weeds on your lawn, use crabgrass products instead. Avoid weed and feed application during the summer heat. Otherwise, you will burn your grass. Use a regular fertilizer to meet the needs of the grass in your lawn during summer.


Applying a combination of fertilizer and herbicide can effectively boost your lawn’s health and eliminate the weeds in your lawn. Following the label’s directions is the most important thing while using weed and feed products.

This will help you to control the concentration and application rate according to the type of grass you grow in your yard. Mowing the lawn to the correct height can help to achieve the best results from weed and feed application.

Mowing at least two days before or after the application is the most suitable practice. After successful weed and feed application, frequent mowing can help to achieve the best results.

Post Weed & Feed Lawn Mowing: Best Practices

Proper lawn care requires a balance of various tasks, such as mowing, fertilizing, and weed control. One standard method for achieving a healthy, weed-free lawn is the application of weed and feed products.

However, knowing when and how to mow the lawn after using weed and feed is crucial to ensure the best possible results.

One unique tip I’ve learned is to apply the product early in the morning when there’s dew on the grass. This helps the product stick to the weed leaves and has proven effective in my 20 years of experience.

• Understanding Weed and Feed Products

Weed and feed combine two components: a selective herbicide for weed control and a fertilizer for promoting grass growth. The herbicide targets broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions and clover, without harming the grass.

The fertilizer component provides essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to help the grass grow strong and healthy.

Various weed and feed products in granular and liquid forms, each with specific application and post-application care instructions.

• Timing Your Mowing After Weed and Feed Application

The primary consideration when mowing after weed and feed is the timing. Here are some guidelines to help you determine the proper time to mow your lawn following a weed and feed application:

– 1. Mow Before Application

It’s advisable to mow the lawn before using weed and feed. This practice helps to expose the weeds better, allowing the herbicide to reach its target effectively. Aim to mow the grass about 2-3 days before application.

– 2. Wait for the Weed and Feed to Work

After applying the weed and feed, wait until you see visible signs of the product working on your lawn. This period can range from a few days up to two weeks, depending on the type of weeds, the size of your lawn, and the specific weed and feed product used.

– 3. Mow After the Weeds Die

Once the weeds have started to die and turn brown, mowing the lawn is safe. Mowing at this stage will help remove the dead weeds and promote healthy grass growth. However, it’s essential not to mow too soon after application, as this can disperse the herbicide and reduce its effectiveness.

– 4. Monitor the Lawn for Further Weed Growth

After mowing, watch your lawn for any signs of new weed growth. If necessary, apply a second round of weed and feed to control weed populations further and promote healthy grass development.

• Best Mowing Practices After Weed and Feed

In addition to proper timing, following these best mowing practices after weed and feed application can help optimize your lawn care routine:

  • Mow at the Right Height: Different grass species have ideal mowing heights. Adjust your mower’s cutting height to promote grass health and impede weed growth. A general rule is never to remove more than one-third of the grass blade length in a single mowing.
  • Sharpen Mower Blades: Dull mower blades can tear grass blades, creating openings for disease and pests. Keep your mower blades sharp to ensure clean, even cuts that promote healthy grass growth.
  • Grasscycling: Returning grass clippings to the lawn, or “grasscycling,” can provide natural fertilizer and improve your lawn’s overall health. However, avoid grasscycling when the clippings are filled with dead weeds, which may spread weed seeds.
  • Water Properly: Proper watering is essential for the effectiveness of weed and feed applications. Water deeply and infrequently, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
  • Regularly Inspect Your Lawn: Keep an eye on your lawn for signs of stress or disease. Address issues promptly before they worsen or spread.

For additional information and advice on lawn care practices, check out the resources offered by your local Cooperative Extension Service ( These organizations can provide educational materials and guidance specific to your region’s grass types, climate, and soil conditions.

• Conclusion

Mowing after weed and feed is essential to an effective lawn care routine. Following this article’s guidelines and best practices can help ensure a healthy, weed-free, and visually appealing lawn.

Remember that timing is crucial for the weeds to die before mowing, and always be aware of your lawn’s needs. With proper care and attention, your yard can become the envy of your neighborhood.

Is Lawn Mowing Recommended After Weed & Feed Application?

A well-maintained lawn is a source of pride for homeowners. It enhances the beauty and appeal of your property while providing a recreational space for your family. One of the essential elements of good lawn care is the timely application of weed and feed products.

Weed and feed products effectively control lawn weeds while providing essential nutrients to your grass. But the question that often arises is: should you mow the lawn after weed and feed?

In my 20 years of gardening, I’ve found that the ideal time to apply weed and feed is in the early spring when weeds grow actively. This is when the lawn is most receptive to the treatment.

• Importance of Timing When Using Weed and Feed

Weed and feed products, as the name suggests, serve the dual purpose of killing unwanted weeds and promoting healthy grass growth. These products typically contain selective herbicides targeted to specific lawn weeds and fertilizers, which provide vital nutrients for healthy grass growth.

The effectiveness of weed and feed products depends largely on their proper application, including the timing of their use. Weed and feed products are most effective when applied to actively growing weeds and grass.

This is because the herbicides in these products work by being absorbed into the plant tissue, where they disrupt the weed’s growth process. Fertilizers also require active growth to be taken up by your grass’s root system.

1. Applying Weed and Feed Before Mowing

I recommend applying weed and feed products to your lawn no sooner than two days after mowing. This is because the herbicides in these products require a relatively large surface area of the weed leaves to be effective.

Mowing reduces the amount of leaf surface available for herbicide contact and absorption, lessening the impact of the weed and feed application.

Similarly, I suggest allowing the fertilizer component of the weed and feed product to reach the soil so your grass’s root system can adequately absorb it. This process may require several days, mainly if weed and feed formulations include slow-release nitrogen.

2. Mowing After Weed and Feed Application

After applying weed and feed, waiting at least three days before mowing your lawn is generally recommended. This waiting period ensures the herbicides and fertilizers have enough time to work effectively.

During this time, the herbicide component of the weed and feed product enters the weeds and begins to cause visible damage, such as leaf curling and browning, stem swelling, and general wilting.

Mowing too soon after applying weed and feed can interfere with this process, as the weed’s stress response to being cut may counteract the herbicide’s effectiveness.

Conversely, waiting too long to mow after applying weed and feed can harm your grass, as taller grass blades can shade underlying soil, preventing sunlight and water from reaching it. This can cause a weakening of your lawn and the emergence of diseases and pests.

• Tips for Optimal Weed and Feed Application

To get the best results from your weed and feed application, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Follow Label Instructions: Always carefully read and adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer, as different products may have specific application and timing requirements.
  2. Choose the Right Weed and Feed Product: Different weed and feed products are designed to target specific types of weeds, such as broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, or both. Choose a product that is suited to the weeds prevalent in your lawn.
  3. Apply During Ideal Weather Conditions: Weed and feed products work best when applied to a damp or dew-covered lawn, allowing the granules to stick to the weed leaves. Avoid applying weed and feed during excessive heat or rain, as these can reduce the product’s effectiveness.
  4. Water Your Lawn Appropriately: After applying weed and feed, wait at least 24 hours before watering your lawn. This ensures that the product has enough time to work effectively. Following this initial waiting period, water your lawn regularly to promote fertilizer uptake by your grass’s root system.

• Remarks

In summary, when mowing the lawn after applying weed and feed, it is essential to give the product enough time to work effectively. This typically means waiting at least three days after the application before mowing.

By adhering to this guideline and following best practices for weed and feed application, you can effectively manage weeds and promote a healthy, beautiful lawn.

For further information on weed and feed products and proper lawn care techniques, visit the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program website.

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  1. Brandy Schmidt says:

    This article has been so helpful in understanding the impact of mowing on weed and feed applications.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for sharing your feedback, Brandy! I’m glad you found the article helpful in understanding the impact of mowing on weed and feed applications. Let me know if you have any more questions on lawn care.

  2. Sara Wagner says:

    Can I mow if it’s going to rain after applying weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Hi Sara, it’s best to wait at least 3 days after applying weed and feed to mow your lawn. This allows the products to work effectively before mowing. Happy mowing!

  3. Jackson Turner says:

    This article cleared up a lot of confusion I had about mowing after weed and feed.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Jackson! I’m glad the article was able to help clarify things for you. Best of luck with your lawn care routine!

  4. Charlotte Bailey says:

    What are the consequences of mowing too soon after applying weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your query on mowing after weed and feed application. Waiting at least 3 days post-application is optimal for best results. Happy mowing!

  5. Samantha Reyes says:

    Does mowing height affect the effectiveness of weed and feed products?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Mow a few days before or after a weed and feed application for optimal results. Avoid mowing right after application to allow the product to work effectively. Follow label instructions for the best outcome.

  6. Tim Moore says:

    Great tips on mowing after using weed and feed!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thanks, Tim! Remember to mow a few days before or after applying weed and feed for optimal results. Keep up the great lawn care work!

  7. Greg Obrien says:

    Is there a risk of over-fertilizing by mowing too soon after using weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thanks for your question, Greg! Mowing before or a few days after using weed and feed is best to avoid over-fertilizing. It ensures the product has time to work effectively. Happy mowing!

  8. Jack Riley says:

    Very informative article, thank you!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for the positive feedback, Jack! I’m glad you found the article informative. Let me know if you have any further questions about mowing after using weed and feed. Happy lawn care!

  9. Brittany Knight says:

    Thank you for explaining the consequences of mowing too short after using weed and feed.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Brittany! Remember to wait a few days after using weed and feed before mowing for the best results. Happy gardening!

  10. Camila Castro says:

    What should I do if I’ve already mowed right after using weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Hi Camila! It’s best to wait a few days after using weed and feed before mowing to allow the product to work effectively. Mowing too soon can disrupt the process. Hope this helps!

  11. Leta Morrison says:

    I never knew the importance of timing mowing after weed and feed, thanks for sharing!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Leta! Timing is crucial when mowing after weed and feed application. Your lawn will thank you for it!

  12. Alvin Sims says:

    Excellent advice on proper lawn care practices after weed and feed application.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Alvin! I’m glad you found the advice helpful. Remember, timing is key when mowing after applying weed and feed for optimal results. Your lawn will thank you!

  13. Sophia Bell says:

    I’ll definitely be more careful with mowing after applying weed and feed from now on, thanks for the tips!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your feedback, Sophia! Remember to wait a few days after applying weed and feed before mowing for optimal results. Happy lawn care!

  14. Vanessa Bradley says:

    I appreciate the detailed explanation on when to mow after using weed and feed.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Vanessa! We’re glad you found the explanation helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions about lawn care. Happy mowing!

  15. Aaron Wells says:

    How long should I wait before mowing after applying weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Hi Aaron Wells, wait 2-3 days before mowing post weed and feed application for optimal results. Avoid mowing too soon to allow the product to work effectively. Happy lawn care!

  16. Lance Brewer says:

    I love how this article breaks down the best practices for mowing after weed and feed!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thanks for the positive feedback, Lance! I’m glad you found the article helpful in breaking down the best practices for mowing after using weed and feed. Happy to provide expert advice to help you achieve a lush lawn!

  17. Freddie Lawson says:

    What is the best mowing height after using weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Freddie, it’s best to mow a couple of days before or after using weed and feed. Mowing right after may distribute the product unevenly. Timing is key for optimal results.

  18. Austin Fernandez says:

    Should I mow immediately after using weed and feed products?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Yes, wait a couple of days before mowing after using weed and feed to allow the product to work effectively. Mowing too soon can interfere with the process. Keep up the good work on your lawn care!

  19. Adam Hill says:

    Is it better to mow before or after applying weed and feed?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thanks for your question, Adam. It’s best to mow a few days before or after weed and feed application for optimal results. Timing is crucial for the product to work effectively.

  20. Vivan Adams says:

    Can I mow right after using weed and feed on a newly planted lawn?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Wait a few days after using weed and feed on your newly planted lawn to mow. Mowing too soon can hinder the product’s effectiveness. Give it time to work before cutting.
