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Zoysia Grass: The Best Mowers for a Perfect Cut

Are you looking for the best way to maintain your Zoysia grass? We’ve got the answers. Our knowledge is backed by years of experience, and we’re ready to share it with you, helping you achieve a beautifully manicured lawn.

Mow Zoysia grass weekly to 1.5″ height using sharp blades to prevent tearing. Mow when dry and bag clippings. Adjust mowing height and frequency as required. Annual maintenance includes dethatching, aerating, weed/insect control, proper fertilization, and irrigation. Test soil pH yearly and adjust as needed for ideal growth.

Want a lush, healthy lawn? Our guide reveals the secrets to achieving just that. From mowing to soil testing, we have all the necessary information. Are you excited to get started? Explore further!


Mowing helps to keep your lawn healthy

We all know that mowing is essential for our lawns. It keeps our lawn healthy, and it makes it neat and clean. A mowed lawn is free of weeds, so mowing ensures the health of our lawn.

What is Zoysia grass?  

Zoysia grass is a seasonal grass that is grown in warm weather. It is a low-growing grass. Zorro Zoysia and El Toro are popular varieties of Zoysia grass. Zoysia grass is a great choice for lawns because of its sharp color and its texture, and it can handle heat, salt, and heavy foot traffic.

An interesting fact about Zoysia grass is that it is the favorite choice of grass for golf courses. In addition, it doesn’t require a lot of maintenance.

Mowing Zoysia grass

Mowing Zoysia grass is somewhat easy. What you’ll need is for your mower’s blades to be sharp. Then, when mowing, maintain a cutting height of 1½ inches. Zoysia grass can be mowed with both a rotary and a reel mower.

You’ll need to mow Zoysia grass about once a week. If you have Zorro Zoysia or El Toro, you might need a specific mower to maintain it properly.

My 20 years of experience have taught me that each lawn is unique. What works for one might not work for another. It’s all about observing the grass and adjusting your approach as needed.

Why are sharp mower blades needed to cut Zoysia grass?

Zoysia grass is a very tough grass, and it is very invasive, which is why it spreads everywhere. So, to cut it correctly, a sharp mower is needed. Dull blades tear and fray the leaf tips instead of cutting them, giving a lawn a brownish and dull appearance.

Worn blades also take more power and fuel to work correctly, so a sharp mower is cost-effective.

Is bagging the grass clippings important in mowing Zoysia grass?

When mowing Zoysia grass, bagging the grass clippings rather than keeping them on the lawn is very important. This is true for the following reasons:

It controls the grass spreading:

Planting Zoysia grass is very easy. That is why everyone loves to grow it. Zoysia grass is hardy enough, so it does not need to be seeded – it only needs to be planted. It grows and spreads so quickly that it soon covers all other types of grass.

One other interesting fact about Zoysia grass is that it is invasive. So it applies everywhere, even in and on the lawns of others. So, to control this mad spreading, you must first make borders across and around this grass and bag the clippings.

Bagging Zoysia grass clippings creates a beautiful landscape:

Most homeowners choose Zoysia grass because they want to keep their lawn beautiful. To do so, you must bag the grass clippings to show off your healthy grass.

Moreover, this gives you a maintenance-free lawn, which is easy for everyone to look after without much effort. When you have Zorro Zoysia or El Toro and maintain it well, your lawn looks fantastic.

Bagging takes away the problem of clumping:

Although Zoysia grass does not require much effort and time, there is still a clumping problem when mowing. When your mower leaves large clumps of grass instead of small clippings, these are difficult to deal with.

And if the clumps remain on the lawn, this will undoubtedly lead to diseases appearing and spreading on your lawn. So, bagging grass clippings helps grass thrive.

Bagging prevents thatch issues:

Dead grass can grow between soil and healthy grass. This condition causes a lawn to feel spongy when you walk on it. Due to this, your grass will not absorb any form of fertilizer or even sunlight. So, to prevent this, you must bag grass clippings.

In conclusion, if you’re considering Zoysia grass for your lawn, I recommend an excellent mower to maintain it properly. And don’t forget to put down borders to control its spread.

Whether you choose Zorro Zoysia, El Toro, or Zeon, you must bag the clippings and keep your mower blades sharp. With proper care, your Zoysia lawn can be a beautiful, low-maintenance addition to your landscape.

Ways to keep Zoysia grass healthy

If you want to keep Zoysia grass healthy, it’s essential to maintain the mower’s height and appropriately adjust the mowing frequency.

Maintenance of Zoysia Grass

Though Zoysia grass does not require a lot of maintenance, there’s still the odd thing to bear in mind:

  • Always mow Zoysia grass when it’s dry.
  • It would be best to constantly change the direction for mowing this grass.
  • The grass should be cut at least once a week.
  • The mowing frequency should be adjusted.
  • The height of the mower should be changed.
  • If you want to adjust your mower to the correct height, place it on a hard surface and then measure from the blade to this hard surface.
  • Always mow when the mower is dry.

Zoysia Grass Yearly maintenance program

Yearly maintenance is necessary if you want to maintain Zoysia grass properly. Just follow this advice.

Mowing of Zoysia Grass:

As mentioned, make sure you mow it with sharp blades and maintain a cutting height of 1½ inches. Mow around once every week.

Thatch removal:

If a thatch layer is formed and becomes a problem, you need a de-thatcher. If you don’t have that, then use a vertical mower. The condition for removing the thatch layer is that it should be at least 1 inch.

It would be best to use a de-thatcher with a 2- or 3-inch blade spacing set that should be 0.25 inches deep for the best results. It would help if you used a lawnmower with a bag attached or a hand rake to collect and dispose of the material piled up.


Aerification is when small holes are punched in the turf into the soil. This is done to alleviate compaction. It lets air get to the root system. This will help in resolving problems with infiltration and irrigation.

Weed control:

If you want to control weeds such as crabgrass, goosegrass, sand spurs, etc., you must apply a pre-emergent herbicide early on every year. Pre-emergent herbicides create a barrier that keeps weed seeds from germinating.

This is why disturbing the soil after an application will allow weeds to emerge through that barrier – so it should be avoided.

Insect control:

You must use insecticides if you want to control different insects on and around your lawn.


If you want to fertilize our lawn, you have to carry out soil testing. After soil testing, you can apply appropriate fertilizers to your grass. After soil testing, you should always fertilize and add lime or sulfur, depending on the soil test.

Zoysia grass will grow best at a pH of 6 to 6.5. If a soil test shows a higher pH, sulfur can be applied to lower the pH. You should use 5 pounds of pelletized sulfur per 1000 square feet of turf.


If you want to prevent excessive dehydration, you should water your lawn.


Mowing Zoysia grass is an easy task, especially with sharp blades. Zoysia grass needs to be mowed around once a week. This grass is very hardy and spreads everywhere quickly.

Bag your Zoysia grass clippings because if not, they can spread rapidly. If you do all this, then you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful and healthy lawn.

Zoysia Grass Varieties: Understanding Leaf Blade Textures

One of the first things that needs to be understood about Zoysia grass is that it comes in two primary types of leaf blade textures: acceptable and coarse-bladed. Fine-bladed Zoysia grass gives a lush, carpet-like feel, while coarse-bladed Zoysia grass offers a more rugged texture.

Choosing a suitable variety depends on your preference and lawn requirements. The University of California’s Agriculture and Natural Resources website provides an excellent resource for more information on Zoysia grass and its varieties.

If I could give one piece of advice to someone new to caring for Zoysia grass, it would be to have patience. Zoysia grass grows slowly, but with proper care, it can create a beautiful, thick, and lush lawn.

• Mower Blade Maintenance: Key In Growing Season

During the growing season, it is essential to maintain your mower blades appropriately. Given that Zoysia grass has a heavy leaf texture, your mower blade will require frequent sharpening. Keeping the blades sharp ensures a clean cut and promotes healthy grass regeneration.

• Importance of Thatch Removal in Zoysia Grass

Thatch can accumulate over time when you are dealing with Zoysia grass. It can pose a problem as it hinders water and nutrient absorption. Thatch removal should be done if the layer becomes too thick, which can be executed by vertical mowing or dethatching.

• Aerification: Solution to Alleviate Compaction

Aerification may be necessary to improve the health of your Zoysia lawn. It helps alleviate compaction and improves infiltration and drainage. This process involves poking small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots.

• Pre-emergent herbicides for Weed Control

Weed control is critical for maintaining a healthy Zoysia lawn. Pre-emergent herbicides, which work by preventing weed seeds from germinating, should be used. Apply in early spring for best results to combat common Zoysia grass weeds like crabgrass and goosegrass.

• Insect Control: Safeguarding Your Zoysia Grass

Pests like mole crickets, grubs, and nematodes could infest your Zoysia lawn. Timely insect control measures need to be taken. Appropriate insecticide treatments can help maintain the health and aesthetics of your lawn.

• Disease Control Strategies

For disease prevention, prevalent ones such as large patches and dollar spots that affect Zoysia grass, disease control measures should be taken. These involve using suitable fungicides based on the type of disease coupled with good lawn management practices.

• Renovation: Replanting Large Bare Areas

Renovation can occur during May for large bare areas in your Zoysia lawn. This entails replanting the barren spots using sod, plugs, or sprigs. It’s an excellent way to restore your lawn to its former glory.

• Nitrogen and Fertilization Timing

While Zoysia grass needs adequate nitrogen levels for healthy growth, avoiding fertilization from September through December is essential.

Including nitrogen during these months can lead to excessive growth and potential diseases. So, the correct timing and amount of nitrogen application are crucial for lawn maintenance.

In conclusion, caring for Zoysia grass requires proper planning and meticulous execution.

Each step plays a vital role in promoting a healthy, green lawn, from understanding the different leaf blade textures to mowing, thatch removal, aerification, weed and insect control, disease control, and restoration and fertilization.

Regular Mowing of Zoysia Grass: Paving the Way for a Healthy Lawn

Mowing Zoysia grass regularly does wonders in promoting a healthy lawn. This exercise not only improves the overall well-being of your lawn but also assures you of a fresh, beautiful appearance consistently.

Your Zoysia grass encounters a host of growth opportunities from every regular mowing session, boosting its health and longevity.

• The Impact of Sharp Blades on Mowing Zoysia Grass

Sharp mowing blades play a significant role in successfully managing Zoysia grass. Dull blades result in torn and frayed leaf tips, which give your lawn a dull, brownish appearance. Always mow with sharp blades to ensure your lawn has a vibrant, healthy look.

This way, the grass gets a clean cut that promotes healthy future growth. An article from The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture explains the importance of sharp blades for mowing.

• The Necessity of Bagging Grass Clippings when Mowing Zoysia Grass

Ensuring the grass clippings are bagged when mowing Zoysia grass is crucial. This prevents the grass from spreading excessively, which otherwise could create an unattractive landscape.

Bagging clippings also help maintain the neatness of your lawn, contributing to its orderly and manicured look.

• The Importance of Proper Maintenance of Zoysia Grass

Managing Zoysia grass involves several considerations. You need to adjust the mower’s height and its mowing frequency appropriately.

Always mow when the grass and the mower are dry, ensuring a cleaner cut and improved grass health. These vital aspects of lawn maintenance keep the grass healthy, add to the lawn’s aesthetic appeal, and prolong its life.

• Yearly Maintenance of Zoysia Grass

Yearly maintenance of Zoysia turf should comprise various activities. They include dethatching, aerification, weed control, insect control, fertilization, and irrigation. Each of these activities contributes to your lawn’s overall health, ensuring that your Zoysia grass continues to flourish year after year.

• Warding Off Damage Post Mowing

After giving your Zoysia grass a cut-down or buzz cut, it must be watered daily for approximately 7 to 10 days. Continue watering until you see green grass starting to grow again.

It minimizes the impact of any potential damage caused by the mowing process and encourages the grass to bounce back faster.

• The Importance of Clear Communication with Landscapers

Clear, detailed communication with your landscapers about your intentions for your Zoysia grass is pivotal. They should be well aware of when and how to cut the grass and how to apply the necessary fertilizers.

Coordinating their actions accordingly will result in a well-maintained lawn that meets your particular needs and objectives.

• Progression After a Spring Cut-Down

The progression of a lawn after it undergoes a spring cutdown can be a rewarding journey. With proper care and maintenance, your well-manicured lawn may only require a buzz cut the following year.

The spring cutdown is like hitting the reset button, providing the perfect platform to reshape, redefine, and reignite your lawn’s overall beauty and health.

• Importance Of Mowing Zoysia Grass At A Specific Cutting Height

Regarding Zoysia grass, the ideal cutting height is 1.5 inches. This specific height helps this variety to flourish and maintain its health. An appropriate cutting height is crucial as it avoids any potential damage to the grass, promoting its growth.

• Mowing Equipment To Use For Zoysia Grass

You can choose between a rotary and a reel mower with Zoysia grass. Both types of mowers have been proven effective in maintaining this kind of turf. The right equipment can help ensure a neat and even cut, which is pivotal to the well-being of your Zoysia grass.

• Mowing Frequency For Zoysia Grass

A good rule of thumb for mowing Zoysia grass is about once a week. Regular trimming aids in maintaining a uniform height, which in turn boosts curb appeal. Also, trimming at frequent intervals can help prevent weed growth, making your lawn look neat.

• The Role Of Sharp Mower Blades In Mowing Zoysia Grass

Sharp mower blades are essential while mowing Zoysia grass, as they make a clean, precise cut. On the flip side, dull blades tear the grass, causing unnecessary damage and opening up the turf to diseases and pests. Therefore, having your mower blades sharpened regularly is always a good idea.

• Importance Of Bagging Grass Clippings After Mowing Zoysia

After mowing Zoysia grass, it’s an excellent practice to bag the grass clippings. Bagging prevents the cut grass from suffocating the remaining turf, providing more space for fresh growth. It also keeps your lawn looking clean and helps in waste management.

• Zoysia Grass Maintenance Tips

Among the key maintenance strategies for Zoysia grass is the right adjustment of mowing frequency and mower height. However, other factors, such as irrigation, fertilization, and disease control, cannot be overlooked. It’s not just about mowing but providing total lawn care.

• Yearly Maintenance Program For Zoysia Grass

Maintaining Zoysia grass requires a comprehensive approach that involves several steps, including mowing, dethatching, aerification, weed control, insect control, fertilization, and irrigation.

Each step is as vital as the other in ensuring overall lawn health. More details can be found on the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment website.

• Mowing Zoysia Grass When Dry And Changing Mowing Direction

Always ensure Zoysia grass is dry before mowing. Wet grass often clogs mowers and makes it harder to achieve a clean cut. Moreover, changing mowing directions prevents the grass from growing in a single direction, leading to grass laying flat and being missed by the mower blades.

• Soil Testing And PH Level Adjustment For Zoysia Grass

One key element often overlooked in maintaining Zoysia grass is soil testing, a critical step in gauging the health of your turf. Soil testing informs your decisions on lime or sulfur application to balance the pH for optimal Zoysia grass growth.

A common misconception people have about Zoysia grass is that it doesn’t require much maintenance because it’s hardy. However, regular mowing and proper watering are still essential for a healthy lawn.

• Proper Irrigation For Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass needs proper irrigation to grow healthy. It can tolerate moderate drought but can’t thrive if it’s excessively dehydrated. So, it’s crucial to provide regular irrigation, especially during dry spells, to maintain the health and beauty of your Zoysia lawn.

• In Summary

Proper care and maintenance of Zoysia grass involve different factors, such as the right mowing height, proper irrigation, and regular soil testing. Adherence to these guidelines will ensure a healthy and beautiful lawn.

Remember, a well-maintained lawn enhances the aesthetic value of your home and contributes to the environment’s general well-being.

Water Efficiency of Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass stands out amongst other grass varieties regarding water efficiency. It requires up to 80% less water than different grass varieties. This reduced need for water does not mean you can neglect it entirely.

Even with minimal watering, you must be careful to prevent dryness of the surrounding soil. A tell-tale sign of dehydration is if the ground around the grass begins to crack. If this is noticed, supplemental watering is necessary to maintain the lawn health.

• Optimal Mowing Height for Zoysia

A healthy Zoysia lawn requires regular mowing to an ideal height of 1 1/2 to 3 inches. Based on my personal experience, maintaining the correct mowing height is essential, as this can affect the health and growth of any lawn.

Ensuring this can encourage a thick and lush growth of grass that is aesthetically pleasing and keeps the lawn looking well-manicured without putting too much stress on the grass.

• Fertilizing Zoysia Grass: Timing and Type Matters

Zoysia grass thrives best when fertilized with a quality fertilizer once a year. The best time to do this is either in late May or early June. This can substantially improve the growth and color, making your lawn even more beautiful.

Remember that ordinary granular fertilizers can cause harm to this type of grass. For this reason, I always recommend using water-soluble fertilizers specifically formulated for Zoysia grass.

You can find helpful turfgrass nutrient management information at the University of Florida’s IFAS Extension website here.

• Applying Fertilizer: Hose End Sprayer a Must

When it comes to applying fertilizer, a hose-end sprayer is your best friend. It conveniently provides the necessary water alongside the fertilizer to your Zoysia lawn.

This combination promotes even distribution and absorption of the nutrients. Additionally, it prevents clumping of the fertilizer, which can potentially damage the grass.

• Watering Zoysia Lawns: When and How Much?

Despite its water-saving nature, Zoysia lawns may need supplemental watering in periods with little rainfall. However, do not overcorrect and water excessively, as this can damage the root system. It’s all about maintaining balance.

On the other hand, you can skip watering entirely if there’s sufficient rainfall. The key is observing the condition of your lawn and adjusting your watering habits accordingly. Remember: Too much of a good thing can be harmful.

• Organic Products and Zoysia Lawns

Lastly, you might want to consider using organic products to enhance the health and growth of your Zoysia lawn. Several organic products in the market can improve soil quality and provide essential nutrients without causing any damage.

These can be a great addition to your lawn care regime to help you cultivate a healthy, vibrant Zoysia lawn.

With the proper practices, the Zoysia lawn can make a distinctive and exquisite addition to your landscape. With frequent mowing, adequately timed and chosen fertilization, and careful watering, you can ensure your zoysia grass stays intense, lush, and beautiful throughout the year.

Choosing the Right Mower for Different Zoysia Grass Varieties

When landscaping your yard, the choice of grass is essential. Zoysia grass is an excellent choice due to its lush, dense cover and minimal care requirements.

However, it also demands specific mowing techniques for optimal results, particularly the fine-bladed varieties like Emerald Zoysia and Cavalier Zoysia.

• Use of Reel Mowers for Fine-bladed Zoysia Grass

When dealing with fine-bladed Zoysia grass varieties, reel mowers are highly recommended. These machines bear a striking resemblance to the equipment employed on golf courses to maintain flawless turf.

Reel mowers are designed with spinning blades that clip the grass neatly, precisely, and efficiently. This action contrasts sharply with the tearing approach adopted by other mower types, ensuring a cleaner and healthier cut overall.

Consequently, maintaining the lush green appearance of Emerald and Cavalier Zoysia grass becomes hassle-free.

A visit to the University of California’s Garden Guide will provide more in-depth information about the advantages of reel mowers over other types.

• Rotary-Style Mowers and Palisades Zoysia

Although reel mowers are perfect for fine-bladed Zoysia grass, not all Zoysia grass types require such precision tools. The Palisades Zoysia variety, for instance, can be successfully maintained using a regular rotary-style mower.

The robustness of the Palisades Zoysia grass complements the rotary mower operations, offering a well-groomed lawn without requiring the precision and investment of a reel mower.

This variety is an excellent choice for residential applications due to its resilience and ease of maintenance, making it popular among homeowners.

• Quality Zoysia Grass from Houston Grass South

Top-grade Zoysia grass can be a game-changer for landscaping efforts, transforming a basic lawn setup into a captivating sight.

Fortunately, Houston Grass South takes extreme pride in supplying the highest quality grass to customers.

The company takes grass farming very seriously. Fresh, high-quality Zoysia grass is sourced directly from their family farm under exacting standards. Stringent measures are put in place to consistently maintain the quality and deliver grass that lives up to a homeowner’s dreams.

• Delivery and Installation Services

Houston Grass South offers its customers two options: pick up their Zoysia grass from the company’s depot or order delivery services to their doorstep. This range of possibilities ensures flexibility and convenience for customer requirements or preferences.

Furthermore, customers are not left to figure out the installation process independently. The company assists in installing, ensuring a smoother transition from purchase to planting.

In conclusion, Zoysia grass is an excellent choice for homeowners looking to put a vibrant touch to their yards. However, the variety chosen and the accompanying care and maintenance equipment depend heavily on individual preferences, convenience, and intended lawn appearance.

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  1. Travis Hughes says:

    Very informative article about Zoysia grass maintenance.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Travis! We’re glad you found the article informative. If you have any further questions about Zoysia grass maintenance, feel free to ask. Happy lawn care!

  2. Mario Chapman says:

    I’ve always wanted to know more about Zoysia grass, thanks for sharing!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Mario! We’re thrilled to share our expertise on Zoysia grass maintenance with you. Let’s cultivate the green lawn of your dreams!

  3. Corey Cook says:

    I didn’t know Zoysia grass was so easy to maintain.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Maintaining Zoysia grass is a breeze with the right techniques. We’re glad you found the information helpful! Are you ready to achieve a beautifully manicured lawn? Dive into our guide for more tips.”

  4. Gerald Patterson says:

    I’m excited to start caring for my Zoysia grass with these tips.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Gerald! We’re thrilled to hear you’re excited to care for your Zoysia grass. Follow our tips for a beautifully manicured lawn. Happy gardening!

  5. Lily Soto says:

    I appreciate the focus on sustainability and water efficiency with Zoysia grass.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Lily! We’re glad you appreciate our focus on sustainability and water efficiency with Zoysia grass. For more tips on maintenance, check out our guide. Enjoy your beautifully manicured lawn!

  6. Max Harper says:

    I never knew there were different varieties of Zoysia grass.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your comment, Max! Zoysia grass comes in various varieties with unique characteristics. If you’re looking to maintain a beautifully manicured lawn, we have the expertise to help. Feel free to explore our guide for more information.”

  7. Walter Fowler says:

    Very thorough guide on Zoysia grass maintenance.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Walter! We’re thrilled to hear that you found the guide helpful. Let us know if you have any questions while maintaining your Zoysia grass. Happy mowing!

  8. Renee Morrison says:

    This makes me want to switch to Zoysia grass for my lawn.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      I’m glad to hear that you’re considering switching to Zoysia grass for your lawn. With proper maintenance techniques and care, you’ll have a beautifully manicured lawn in no time!

  9. Barry Gordon says:

    This article fails to mention the environmental impact of excessive mowing and bagging of clippings. It promotes unnecessary maintenance practices that may harm the ecosystem.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your insights, Barry. We will explore ways to reduce the environmental impact while maintaining Zoysia grass. Your feedback is appreciated!

  10. Austin Chambers says:

    Great tips for maintaining Zoysia grass!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Austin! We’re glad you found the tips helpful for maintaining Zoysia grass. Feel free to explore more of our lawn care content for a beautifully manicured lawn. Happy mowing!

  11. Abigail Rose says:

    I love how detailed the maintenance tips are for Zoysia grass.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Abigail! We’re glad you found the maintenance tips helpful for your Zoysia grass. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or need further assistance. Happy lawn care!
