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Testing your Chainsaw Coil, in 14 easy steps. Diagnose&Fixes

If you have problems with your chainsaw coil, you can test it using a multimeter or a multitester. We will show you what to do in 14 easy steps.

How to test a chainsaw coil?

To test a chainsaw coil, first locate the spark plug and disconnect it. Use a multimeter to check the coil’s circuits. Compare readings to the manufacturer’s specs. Reinstall the coil and spark plug, disable the fuel pump, crank the engine, and check for blue sparks. Replace the coil if needed.

Is your chainsaw acting up? It could be the coil! Learn how to test it using a multimeter or multitester in just 14 steps. Read on!


• Safety Precautions for Testing a Chainsaw Coil

Safety is of utmost importance when dealing with the operation and maintenance of power tools. For this purpose, always wear eye protection and rubber gloves when testing a chainsaw coil.

The gloves not only protect your skin from accidental abrasions, but they also provide a reliable safeguard against possible electric shocks.

– Initial Inspection of Chainsaw Coil

Before testing, inspect the outer surface of the coil meticulously. This inspection should include checking for visible cracks, corrosion, or other signs of physical damage that might hinder the coil’s functionality.

As per experts from MIT, visual inspection plays a vital role in finding potential flaws in every kind of power tool.

– Checking User Manual to Determine Resistance Reading

The user manual that comes with your chainsaw is an invaluable resource. It provides specifics regarding the resistance reading of your chainsaw coil. Hence, it is strongly recommended to refer to it before you start testing the coil.

– Safeguarding against Electrocution

Electrocution is a primary concern while testing a chainsaw coil. Therefore, utilize insulated pliers to ensure your safety. The insulation on the pliers provides an effective barrier between you and the electric current, reducing the risk of electrical injuries.

– Preparation for Testing Chainsaw Coil

The preparation for testing involves disconnecting the spark plug wire and clearing any debris from the hole where the spark plug fits in. Proper precaution ensures a safe and effective testing process.

• Testing Process of Chainsaw Coil

– Testing Primary Ignition Circuit

The primary ignition circuit can be tested by attaching the multimeter leads to the appropriate terminals on the coil. Remember to exercise caution during this step to prevent electrocution or other injuries.

– Testing the Secondary Circuit

Checking the secondary circuit is equally vital. For this, connect the positive terminal to the multimeter and the spark plug terminal. This process gives a clear indication of the coil’s functionality.

– Checking for spark

Before cranking the engine to check for sparks, disable the fuel pump relay or fuse to avoid a fuel overflow situation. This step is crucial in maintaining safety, as excessive fuel might lead to an accidental fire.

– Interpreting the Spark Color

The color of the spark provides insight into the condition of the coil. Blue sparks suggest a properly functioning coil, while orange sparks may point to potential issues. Hence, take the spark color into consideration while diagnosing a coil’s functionality.

– Coils Reinstallation

Upon successful testing, reinstall the coil and replace the plastic cover, if necessary. This is to protect the coil from environmental damage and increase its longevity.

– Testing Coils Resistance

In addition, testing the resistance of the coil is another effective method for assessing the chainsaw coil. This includes removing it from the chainsaw and using the multimeter.

– Comparing Resistance Specifications

For your specific coil, it is essential to know its resistance specifications. Compare the readings from your multimeter with these specifications to see if they match up.

• Regular Maintenance of Chainsaw

In addition to regular testing, maintaining your chainsaw ensures a long life and optimal performance. Regular maintenance includes tasks like checking oil levels, sharpening the chain, and cleaning the air intake ports and the air filter.

Steps to Follow if the Chainsaw Engine is Flooded

Sometimes, the chainsaw engine can become flooded. In such scenarios, specific steps are necessary to clear the engine.

I recommend the use of procedures outlined by University of Nebraska, to resolve such tricky situations. Following these steps can aid in getting your chainsaw back to optimal working conditions in no time.

All in all, consistently following these steps helps in ensuring your chainsaw’s longevity while maintaining a safe and effective working environment.

• Essential Tools for Chainsaw Coil Testing

Before diving into the testing procedure, it’s crucial to prepare all the necessary tools. These may include a new spark plug, a multimeter, and a screwdriver. Being prepared reduces the time spent on the process and helps avoid unnecessary interruptions.

• Recognizing a Bad Chainsaw Coil

A telltale sign of a bad chainsaw coil includes a range of symptoms. If your chainsaw has trouble starting, stops operating when it heats up, makes spluttering sounds, or exhibits unusual vibration or jerking, it’s likely that the coil is at fault.

A multimeter reading of 0 or close to zero is also a strong indicator that the coil is malfunctioning.

• Locating the Spark Plug

The first step towards testing the coil is locating the spark plug. In general, it can be found behind or above the air filter. You might need to remove a protective cover to find it. Remember, it’s all a part of ensuring you’re thoroughly prepared.

• Checking the Spark Plug before Testing the Coil

Before going ahead to test the coil, it’s always recommended to check the spark plug for any potential issues. A faulty spark plug might be the actual culprit behind the chainsaw’s poor performance, thus eliminating the need to test the coil.

• Testing the Coil without a Multimeter

If a multimeter is not available, you can still check the coil using a direct observation method. After cleaning the spark plug and reattaching it, press it against a metal surface. Turn on the ignition switch and pull the starter cord. A spark formation indicates that your chainsaw’s coil is in healthy shape.

• Using a Multimeter to Test the Coil

If a multimeter is accessible, it offers a more precise way to test your chainsaw’s coil. After removing the spark plug, you can locate the coil by taking off the recoil or cover.

The multimeter will help to measure the resistance of the coil’s primary and secondary ignition circuits. The readings should fall within a specific range to indicate normal functionality.

• Testing a Stihl Chainsaw Coil with a Multimeter

When it comes to testing a Stihl chainsaw coil, specific instructions need to be adhered to. Firstly, disconnect the kill wire to isolate the coil. A spark tester or the test 01 method can be used to get accurate results.

• Chainsaw Model Specifics and Coil Resistance Ranges

Always remember that the specific resistance values of the coil and spark plug can vary depending on your chainsaw model. You might have to consult your chainsaw’s user manual for the specific resistance range suited for your model. 

Oregon State University provides a great resource for understanding the basics of electronics, including resistance, which can be helpful when using a multimeter.

• Importance of Evaluating the Resistance

Measuring the resistance is a key step in the process. Knowing the exact values can help determine whether the coil and spark plug are functioning properly or not.

A multimeter, as mentioned before, is a handy tool for this task. It reads the resistance and signals if the values fall within the model-specific range mentioned in the chainsaw’s user manual.

Remember, no two chainsaws are the same. Always consult your user manual and know your chainsaw’s specifics to carry out accurate coil testing. With the correct tools and a bit of patience, diagnosing and troubleshooting a problematic chainsaw coil can be a straightforward task.

Understanding the Role of Ignition Coils in Chainsaws

In every chainsaw, there is a vital component known as the ignition coil. It serves a crucial function in converting low voltage into high voltage. This process generates the spark that is required for the chainsaw to operate properly.

• Importance of Testing the Ignition Coil

Testing the ignition coil with a tool known as a multimeter is essential for ensuring the chainsaw delivers optimal performance. By conducting this test, one can detect any potential faults or issues that could hinder its operation.

• Safety Precautions Before Testing

Safety should never be overlooked. Before starting the testing process, it is crucial to put on gloves and eye protection to guard against injury. Additionally, make certain that the chainsaw is turned off before beginning the test.

• Preparing the Ignition Coil for Testing

The ignition coil is often shielded by plastic covers for protection. To access it for testing, these covers must be removed.

• Preliminary Spark Plug Testing

Before testing the ignition coil, it is advisable to disconnect and test the spark plug using a specific tool called a spark plug tester. Its job is to indicate whether the spark plug can produce a spark or not.

• Removing the Spark Plug

The spark plug should be carefully removed using a spark plug socket. Care should be taken here to prevent any debris from falling into the hole left by the removed spark plug.

• Testing the Primary Ignition Circuit

The primary ignition circuit of the ignition coil can be checked using a multimeter. This tool’s positive and negative leads should be connected to the respective terminals on the coil. The expected resistance of the primary coil can vary, so referring to the user’s manual is advisable for accurate readings.

• Assessing the Secondary Ignition Circuit

The secondary circuit of the ignition coil can also be gauged by connecting the positive lead of the multimeter to the positive pin and the high output terminal linked to the spark plug. Yet again, consulting the user’s manual is recommended for accurate resistance readings.

• Protecting the Engine during Cranking

Before cranking the engine, disabling the fuel pump fuse is necessary. This precaution minimizes the risk of chainsaw damage and prevents engine flooding.

• Observing the Spark During Cranking

When the engine is cranked, power is provided to the electrical system and the spark plug. This action allows one to observe the generation of a blue spark in the spark plug gap.

• Reinstalling a Faulty Ignition Coil

If testing determines that the ignition coil is faulty, it would require removal and replacement.

• Further Ignition Coil Testing

Even after reinstalling, additional testing can be conducted on the ignition coil. This can be executed using bench tests which involve removing the coil from the chainsaw and connecting the multimeter to its electrical terminals.

Understanding Ignition Coil Resistance Specifications

Resistance specifications for the ignition coil can differ based on the chainsaw model. Therefore, it’s important to find these specifications for your particular model to determine if the readings are within the desired range or if the coil needs replacing.

• Regular Testing for Optimal Performance

Finally, the ignition coil should be periodically tested with a multimeter. Regular testing ensures optimal performance of the chainsaw by keeping potential faults in check. The Oregon State University Extension has some useful guidance on maintaining chainsaws.

This, in essence, is a guide to testing the ignition coils of a chainsaw. Whether you’re a homeowner who loves DIY projects or a professional woodcutter, knowing how to properly test and ensure the performance of your chainsaw is an invaluable skill.

• Alternative Bench Testing Methods for Ignition Coils

Members of the ArboristSite community have proposed alternative methodologies for bench-testing ignition coils. A magnet can be widely used to generate a spark if it is waved close to the coil.

However, to examine the electric spark’s formation more precisely, it’s recommended to try alternative testing methods.

• Using an Ohmmeter for Ignition Coil Testing

For a comprehensive understanding, an ohmmeter can be applied to evaluate the primary and secondary windings’ resistance.

The measurements obtained through this testing process will provide insightful data regarding the maintenance status of the ignition coils. To exercise this technique, you can consult the National Institute’s specifications guide.

• Spark Tester Simulations

The use of a spark tester is another effective method to simulate the engine’s real-world conditions and check for the spark. This testing tool bridges the gap between the spark plug wire and coil wire, allowing the user to visually inspect the spark’s width and color during engine cranking.

• Comprehensive Assessment through Ignition Coil Tester

For a more precise instrument, the ArboristSite community recommends utilizing a specialized ignition coil tester. Not only does this tool ensure the accuracy of the coil assessment, but it can also be a worthwhile investment for those regularly involved in the maintenance and diagnosis of ignition systems.

• Risks of Using Faulty Coils

It’s essential to be aware of the ramifications of using faulty coils. Ignition coils that malfunction can lead to various engine problems, reducing vehicle performance and even posing potential safety risks. Therefore, regular and careful testing is crucial to prevent unexpected breakdowns or accidents.

• ArboristSite Community Assistance

The ArboristSite community has shown a strong willingness to lend a helping hand to those facing difficulties during their ignition coil tests.

Many members have offered to lend or sell their testing equipment, ranging from ohmmeters specialized ignition coil testers to spark testers. It’s a testament to the community spirit of collaboration and mutual assistance.

• Importance of Professional Assistance

Despite the availability of do-it-yourself testing methodologies, some ArboristSite community members have suggested seeking professional assistance for the accurate diagnosis of ignition coils.

Trusted professionals have the experience and in-depth knowledge necessary to evaluate coil performance comprehensively and provide a precise diagnosis, something that beginners might struggle with.

• Jbgorecom’s Experience and Gratitude

Jbgorecom, a regular contributor to the ArboristSite community, expressed his gratitude for the generous assistance provided by fellow members.

Having benefited from the advice and support of the community, he is now ready to explore further testing methods to achieve definitive results. His experiences serve as a valuable lesson for anyone embarking on the journey of ignition coil testing and maintenance.

• Moving Forward with More Testing Methods

Ignition coil testing is an ongoing learning process. As new methods are introduced and more convenient tools are developed, it’s essential to keep up with these advancements.

For example, a user could learn a lot by closely following The U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office, which conducts research on advanced vehicle technologies.

In summary, the ArboristSite community offers not just a wealth of knowledge but also a network of support for all things related to ignition coil testing.

Make use of this resource, contribute to the discussion, and rest assured knowing you’re in good hands whether you’re conducting tests DIY-style or seeking professional assistance.

Prioritizing Safety When Working with Chainsaw Ignition Systems

First and foremost, safety should always be a top priority when working with a chainsaws ignition system. Protective gear plays a significant role in your safety.

Always wear safety gloves and goggles to protect your hands and eyes. Performing any work with the ignition system should be done in a well-ventilated area to prevent the accumulation of potentially harmful fumes.

• Chainsaw Ignition System Disconnection

When handling the ignition system, the ignition coil needs to be first detached. A handy tool, such as a screwdriver, can be used to disconnect the coil from the chainsaw.

Bear in mind that the coil should be kept away from any metal surfaces. This is to reduce the risk of electrical shocks that could result in severe injuries.

• Setting the Multimeter for Testing

To ensure an accurate measurement, the multimeter needs to be set correctly. The voltage range has to be appropriate to test the ignition coil properly. Misreading the voltage can lead to incorrect judgment and potential mishandling of the chainsaw.

• Testing the Primary Coil

Moving on to testing the primary coil, use the multimeter probes on the coil’s terminals. One probe should be placed on the positive terminal while the other on the negative terminal. For more guidance about the usage of multimeters, check out this article from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

• Secondary Coil Examination

In contrast, assessing the secondary coil requires keeping one probe on the positive terminal of the ignition coil while the other probe meets the spark plug wire connection. This multimeter setup will ensure the valuable reading of the secondary coil.

• Multimeter Readings

Interpreting the multimeter readings accurately is crucial. Tools such as an Ohms Law chart or the manufacturer’s specifications can aid in understanding the numbers. Remember to consult the manufacturer’s instructions or professional guides.

• Longevity of the Ignition System

The chainsaw’s life heavily depends on your care. Regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the air filter, replacing the spark plug, and using a high-quality fuel and oil mix, will contribute to your chainsaw’s longevity.

Storing the chainsaw in an appropriate and safe location also adds to the preservation of the ignition system.

• Frequency of Ignition Coil Testing

Many chainsaw users may be in doubt about when to test the ignition coil. It is recommended to have an annual check, at a minimum. If you start noticing performance issues, that could also be a good indicator that it’s time for inspection.

• Seeking Professional Help

Not all chainsaw owners are experts at handling ignition coils, and that’s okay. It’s much better to seek professional help if you aren’t confident or familiar with the chainsaw’s inner workings. It’s always safe to trust a professional than risky guesswork.

• Importance of Visual Inspection

In addition to the multimeter testing, never overlook irregularities or potential signs of damage visible to the naked eye. Though multimeter readings are valuable, a simple visual inspection can also provide substantial insight into the chainsaw’s overall state.

• The Correct Ignition Coil

Finally, remember that not all ignition coils are the same. The manufacturer of the chainsaw will have a recommended ignition coil. Using any other can potentially damage the chainsaw or, worse, pose safety risks. Always make sure to choose and use the correct one.

Symptom Overview: The Telltale Signs of a Bad Chainsaw Coil

Every chainsaw operator needs to recognize the signs of a faulty coil: trouble starting and abnormal noises. These symptoms may indicate a problem with your chainsaw ignition coil.

The chainsaw might resist starting or require more than a few tries to get going. Additionally, strange sounds like spluttering noises can be another tell-tale sign. Your chainsaw should sound consistently smooth when running, not sputtering or fluctuating erratically.

• Safety First: Chainsaw Coil Testing

Before delving into testing a chainsaw coil, safety is the number one priority. Wearing gloves and eye protection, such as goggles, is crucial to safeguard against potential injuries. All chainsaw operators should study the user manual to familiarize themselves with the device.

By reviewing the manual, operators can understand the specific safety requirements and operating instructions for their particular chainsaw model.

• Tools for the Job: Testing a Chainsaw Coil

The testing process will require a set of key instruments: a spark plug wrench or socket wrench, a screwdriver, a multimeter, a cleaning brush, and a cloth.

The wrench and screwdriver are needed to remove the spark plug. A multimeter is an essential tool used to test the coil, whilst a brush and cloth are handy for cleaning the coil area before testing starts.

• Testing Process: Three Simple Steps

Testing a chainsaw coil can be achieved in three clear steps: locating the spark plug, checking its condition, and then testing the ignition coil.

The spark plug must first be found and removed. Using the wrench and the screwdriver, carefully extract the plug. Upon removal, check the spark plug’s condition. If it looks excessively worn or damaged, it might be time to replace it.

Next, start testing the ignition coil. This step involves performing a spark test and kill wire test using your multimeter.

• Stihl Chainsaw Coil Testing

Stihl chainsaw owners can follow a similar process using a multimeter. Check your Stihl user manual for the exact procedure.

Performing a Stihl chainsaw coil test with a multimeter requires specialized knowledge. Oregon State University Extension provides additional safety instructions and tutorials about chainsaw maintenance and testing that are valuable resources.

• The Role of Resistance

Resistance plays a crucial part in the functioning of ignition coils and spark plugs. By definition, resistance is the difficulty a current faces when moving through an electrical circuit.

Every battery-powered chainsaw has a specific resistance range, which can be found in the chainsaw manual. This range is essential for securing optimal performance and longevity of your chainsaw.

• Maintaining Chainsaw Coil Effectiveness

Regular assessments and maintenance of your chainsaw coil are key to maintaining the efficiency of your chainsaw. A poorly maintained or faulty coil can lead to inefficient functioning or even cause damage to your chainsaw.

In the long run, catching potential issues with the coil early can save you time and hassle in dealing with more serious problems down the line.

Ultimately, responsible chainsaw use and routine maintenance can extend the life of your chainsaw and ensure safe and efficient operation.

– Preparing for Inspection and Testing

Before starting the inspection and testing process, it’s essential to allow your chainsaw ample time to cool down. Working on a heated chainsaw can lead to unnecessary accidents.

In addition, it’s crucial to wear the right personal protective equipment (PPE) when dealing with power tools.

PPE can protect you from accidental mishaps and keep you safe. For more information on the type of PPE you should use, you can visit the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) website here.

– Clean Up Debris Post Inspection

After inspecting the chainsaw’s coil, it’s essential to dispose of any accumulated debris or dirt. Proper disposal will not only promote the chainsaw’s functionality but also eliminate the risk of accidental fires.

– Handle Spark Plugs with Care

When disconnecting the spark plug wire, your safety is paramount. Consider using insulated pliers to prevent electric shocks. Once detached, inspect the spark plug’s functionality using a spark plug tester.

When handling the spark plug, ensure there’s no contact with anything that could initiate damage. If your garage doesn’t have a spark plug tester, I highly recommend purchasing one. It’s a useful tool that can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of your maintenance routine.

• Understanding Chainsaw Specifics

To proceed with testing, first research the specific primary and secondary resistance readings for your chainsaw model, as they can vary. Consult your user manual for details and configuration of testing the primary and secondary coils. This step will ensure an accurate test and help to diagnose any potential issues.

• Using the Right Tools for Testing

Multimeters are common tools used in testing. However, touching the leads with bare fingers can impact the accuracy of readings. A safer and more accurate alternative could be a small engine ignition coil tester specifically designed for such purposes.

– Manage Fuel Pump Fuse

Identifying the fuel pump fuse or relay is critical. You can find this information in the user manual. It’s essential to disable it as necessary during the test to prevent any unwanted surge of power.

• Cranking the Engine

When cranking the engine for testing purposes, make sure the throttle is pressed and the interlock is engaged. This step ensures that the engine doesn’t turn over unexpectedly, potentially causing injury or damage.

• Keep Records for Future Reference

It’s a good practice to record the resistance readings for future reference and comparison. Tracking these readings can provide insight into your chainsaw’s health over time.

• Seek Professional Help When Needed

If you’re unsure or uncomfortable in carrying out these tests yourself, don’t hesitate to seek the assistance of a professional mechanic. They can not only perform the test for you but also provide valuable feedback on maintaining your chainsaw’s performance.

Remember, safety should always be your top priority when dealing with power tools. Whether you’re a handyman or a professional mechanic, it’s important to know your limits and request help when you need it.

The Role of The Ignition Coil in a Chainsaw

The ignition coil in a chainsaw holds a critical responsibility. It’s the powerhouse that converts low voltage into sparks that ignite the fuel in the chainsaw engine. This conversion is what gives your chainsaw the power to cut through wood quickly and efficiently.

• Safety Precautions during Testing

Whenever you undertake a task that involves electrical systems or tools, safety should be your top priority. To protect yourself, always wear protective gloves and eyewear during the testing process. This simple precaution can help prevent serious injuries, so never overlook it.

• Locating the Ignition Coil

Locating the ignition coil on your chainsaw is a relatively simple task. You will usually find it near the distributor. It’s a vital part of your chainsaw’s ignition system, and keeping it in good working condition is crucial for optimal performance.

• Testing the Spark Plug

The integrity of the spark plug can be assessed using a spark plug tester. Before beginning the process, ensure that the spark plug is disconnected. This involves removing the spark plug, which must be done with caution to prevent debris from falling into the hole.

In case you find the spark plug damaged, I strongly recommend replacing it. A defective spark plug may result in suboptimal chainsaw performance, and in the worst-case scenario, it may even damage your ignition coil.

• Inspection of the Ignition Coil Circuits

Next, it’s time to turn our attention to the ignition coil. You’ll need to inspect both the primary and secondary circuits with a multimeter. This tool is excellent for identifying any faults within the coil’s electrical system.

When testing, the resistance of both circuits indicates their health. An ideal range for the primary ignition coil would be between 0.4 to 2 ohms, while the secondary ignition coil should be within the range of 6,000 to 10,000 ohms.

• Disabling the Fuel Pump and Verifying the Ignition Coil

Before verifying the operation of the ignition coil, it’s essential to disable the fuel pump. This can be achieved by removing the fuel pump fuse.

Once this is done, crank the engine. This act will supply power to the electric system, enabling the spark plug to do its job. If a bright blue spark jumps inside the spark plug gap during this time, then you can rest assured that your ignition coil is functioning as it should.

On the other hand, a lack of spark or an orange-colored one is an indicator that your ignition coil may be faulty. If this is the case, I would suggest replacing the ignition coil. Once replaced, the new coil’s resistance should be tested using bench tests.

• Routine Maintenance of the Chainsaw

Optimal performance of your chainsaw comes not just from a functional ignition coil but from overall regular maintenance. This includes periodically checking the spark plug’s health, cleaning the fuel and oil tanks, and inspecting the entire chainsaw for damage or breakage.

Starting from the spark plug to the ignition coil, every component of your chainsaw needs regular attention. The health and longevity of your chainsaw depend a lot on how well you maintain it.

Regular maintenance is an excellent way to prevent sudden malfunctions while using your chainsaw. It will not only keep your chainsaw in top condition but also save you money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs.

For a more in-depth guide on chainsaw maintenance, I recommend visiting the University of Missouri Extension. Their guide provides further details that might prove beneficial for every chainsaw owner.

The Prevalence of Magneto Coils in Small Engines

The magneto coil is widely used in small engines. When dealing with equipment such as chainsaws, which possess small engines, this form of ignition coil features prominently. Renowned for its reliability and efficiency, the magneto coil is the gearhead’s choice for maintaining optimal device performance.

• Using Specialized Ignition Tester for Diagnostics

One viable method of testing the functionality of a magneto coil is by using a specialized ignition tester. Being a simulation tool, the ignition tester emulates the conditions of a running engine, providing a reliable assessment of the coil’s state.

With it, users can quickly ascertain whether or not the coil is functioning as required. It’s an efficient way of conducting diagnostics without necessarily running the engine, thus saving on fuel and reducing wear and tear.

• Implementing a Digital Multimeter for Coil Examination

You can use a digital multimeter to measure the resistance of the ignition coil. Such a strategy may indicate if there’s a break or short circuit within the winding.

A digital multimeter can prove invaluable in assessing the state of the coil. It allows for precision in establishing whether the coil experiences breaks or has short-circuited. Digital Multimeter Basics provides detailed information on this topic.

• Testing Ignition Coils: Avoiding Substandard Methods

When it comes to determining the functionality of the ignition coil, it’s pertinent to avoid ineffective methods. One such dubious approach involves waving a strong magnet near the coil.

This test may not be able to produce a spark, thus failing to confirm the coil’s functionality reliably. It is advisable to avoid such techniques, as they may not provide an accurate assessment of the coil’s working condition.

• Reinstalling Coils for Accurate Assessment

There is no better way to test the functionality of an ignition coil than by reinstalling it in the actual equipment. This method allows you to see firsthand how the coil performs under true operating conditions.

Once reinstalled, running the chainsaw will provide a clear, realistic measure of the coil’s state and its performance. Therefore, I highly recommend reinstalling and testing the coil in the real equipment wherever possible. It may offer a more accurate diagnosis than any in-lab test.

• Monitoring Coils Regularly for Long-term Performance

Lastly, I advise regular inspection of your chainsaw and, particularly, the ignition coil. Conducting regular checks will help maintain the device and ensure its long-term, efficient function.

Remember that accurate testing of the coil is vital for maintaining the top performance of your device. By regularly monitoring the ignition coil’s condition, you’ll help pave the way for the long-term, efficient operation of your equipment.

All the strategies mentioned are from personal experience, thus tried and tested. They provide a reliable approach to maintaining top-grade small engines.

They apply equally well to other small engine machines, not just chainsaws. As such, embracing these strategies will aid you immensely in keeping your equipment in optimal working condition. So don’t wait. Regularly check your chainsaw’s ignition coil and ensure its best performance.

• Understanding the Chainsaw’s Manual

One of the most crucial steps is reading and understanding the chainsaw’s user manual. This document should provide you with the correct resistance reading you will need when testing the coil.

• The Coil Testing Process

When testing the coil, you will need a multimeter. Connect the negative and positive cords of the multimeter to the negative and positive terminals of the coil.

• Safety Measures

When dealing with the coil, it is highly recommended to take some safety measures. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection, and use insulated pliers. This helps to prevent any accidents like electrocution. Click here for more chainsaw safety tips.

• Identifying the Ignition Coil

The location of the ignition coil on your chainsaw might differ based on the model. In some cases, you may need to remove a plastic cover to access the coil.

• Spark Plug Test

Before testing the coil, you should disconnect and test the spark plug. A spark plug tester can be used for this purpose, which ensures no potential issues are missed.

• Engine Safety

Be watchful of the hot engine and give it time to cool down before removing the spark plug wires.

• Primary Ignition Circuit Test

A reading of zero during the primary ignition circuit test indicates an internally shorted coil. On the other hand, a reading above the specified level suggests an open coil.

• Average Primary Resistance Range

The primary resistance range of a typical chainsaw coil varies between 0.4 to 2 ohms. Your user manual should provide you with the exact resistance level.

• Secondary Circuit Test

Never miss testing the secondary circuit of the coil. Generally, the secondary resistance range falls between six thousand and ten thousand ohms.

• Fuel Pump and Coil Test

To avoid damaging your chainsaw, disable the fuel pump before testing the coil.

• Cranking the Engine

Bright blue sparks during the engine cranking indicate a properly functioning coil. Orange sparks, however, could mean insufficient electricity or faulty connections.

• Testing Coil’s Resistance

By removing the coil from the chainsaw and connecting the multimeter to its electrical terminals, you can further test the coil’s resistance.

• Reinstalling the Coil

After the tests, reinstall the coil into its cavity and reconnect all its wires correctly.

• Understanding Test Readings

Each chainsaw coil has a unique electrical resistance specification. If readings fall outside the specified range, the coil is probably damaged.

• Primary Winding Test

The primary winding of the coil can be tested by positioning the multimeter’s leads on the distributor’s external electric contacts.

• Secondary Winding Test

You can test the secondary winding of the coil by touching one multimeter lead on an outer electrical contact and the other lead on the main distributor wire’s inner electrical contact point.

• Monitoring the Measurements

Always compare the final measurements to the level specified for the chainsaw model. If these numbers are outside the range, it’s time to replace the coil.

• Regular Chainsaw Maintenance

Regular chainsaw maintenance includes checking the oil, sharpness, and damage of the chain and bar, cleaning the air intake ports and air filter, filing off burrs, and checking and cleaning the spark arrestor screen and carburetor.

• Dealing with a Flooded Chainsaw

If your chainsaw is flooded, follow these steps from the University of Missouri Extension to clear the flooded engine and restart your chainsaw.

By following these pointers, you can efficiently test and maintain your chainsaw while ensuring maximum longevity. As always, refer back to the user manual for model-specific information and guidelines.

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  1. Ron Horton says:

    Great advice on regular maintenance to ensure the longevity of the chainsaw.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your feedback, Ron! Regular maintenance is key to a healthy chainsaw. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

  2. Lee Kelly says:

    What a thorough guide on testing a chainsaw coil, very helpful!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thanks for the positive feedback, Lee! I’m glad you found the guide helpful. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.”

  3. Gerald Mitchell says:

    I learned a lot about chainsaw coils and testing them, thank you for the detailed guide.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Gerald! I’m glad you found the guide helpful for testing your chainsaw coil. Your feedback is much appreciated.

  4. Enrique Stephens says:

    I never knew the ignition coil was so important, great information!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you, Enrique! The ignition coil is indeed a crucial component for chainsaw performance. I’m glad you found the information helpful.”

  5. Johnny Douglas says:

    I feel more confident about testing my chainsaw coil after reading this, thank you!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your kind words, Johnny! I’m glad you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!”

  6. Patrick Graham says:

    The importance of regular maintenance is well-highlighted here, thank you for sharing.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Patrick! Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your chainsaw’s longevity. Stay safe and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any further assistance.

  7. Brianna Williams says:

    Safety should always be the priority, glad it’s emphasized here.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Safety should always come first when handling power tools. Eye protection and gloves are a must. Thank you for emphasizing this crucial aspect!

  8. Jennifer Mason says:

    Informative article, thank you for breaking down the testing process.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your kind words, Jennifer! I’m glad you found the article informative. Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.”

  9. Stephanie Payne says:

    Safety first always, great emphasis on that in this article.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you, Stephanie! Safety is paramount when working with power tools. If you have any questions about testing a chainsaw coil, feel free to ask. Stay safe!”

  10. Christian Mckinney says:

    I didn’t know about the process of testing a chainsaw coil before, this was really helpful.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your comment, Christian! I’m glad you found the information on testing a chainsaw coil helpful. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!”

  11. Ella Shaw says:

    I appreciate the safety precautions mentioned in the post.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you, Ella! Safety is always our top priority. We appreciate your attention to detail. Stay safe and happy testing!”

  12. Kent Henry says:

    Very detailed and informative article, thank you!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your kind words, Kent! I’m glad you found the article informative. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about testing your chainsaw coil.”

  13. Ana Diaz says:

    The safety tips mentioned are crucial, thank you for sharing them.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you, Ana! I’m glad you found the safety tips helpful. Stay safe while working with your chainsaw!”

  14. Cecil Cook says:

    Great guide on testing a chainsaw coil!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Cecil Cook! I’m glad you found the guide helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  15. Chloe Vargas says:

    I learned a lot about chainsaw maintenance from this post, thank you!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Chloe! I’m glad you found the information helpful. Happy chainsaw maintenance!

  16. Crystal Jordan says:

    Definitely going to use these steps to test my chainsaw coil, thank you!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your kind words, Crystal! I’m glad you found the steps helpful. Let me know if you have any questions along the way. Happy testing!”

  17. Stanley Terry says:

    I appreciate the emphasis on safety measures in this article.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Stanley Terry! Safety is paramount when working with chainsaw coils. Check your user manual for specific resistance readings and follow our guide for thorough testing. Happy sawing!

  18. Sarah Ruiz says:

    This step-by-step process is easy to follow, thank you!

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your kind words, Sarah! I’m glad you found the step-by-step process easy to follow. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!”

  19. Letitia Rodriguez says:

    The explanation on the role of the ignition coil is helpful.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Letitia! I’m glad you found the explanation helpful. If you ever need more guidance on chainsaw maintenance, feel free to reach out. Happy to help!

  20. Rick Sanchez says:

    The part about recognizing signs of a bad coil was eye-opening, thank you for the information.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Thank you for your feedback, Rick! I’m glad you found the information about testing a chainsaw coil helpful.”
