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Can a Pressure Washer Get Wet? 7 Things You Should Know

Pressure washers are mostly used for outdoor cleaning, and they produce a pressurized jet of water which makes it easy to wash away the unwanted dirt and debris. But since the water that comes out of the nozzle of the pressure washer is highly pressurized, it is bound to deflect and get splashed on the pressure washer at some point.

Can a pressure washer get wet?

Most home pressure washers are designed to handle an accidental splash of water here and there, but you can’t expose a pressure washer to excess water for long periods of time. Most high-quality industrial pressure washers usually have an IP rating. The higher the IP rating of the pressure washer, the more water-resistant it is, which means you can safely use it in wet conditions.  

You might be tempted to use your pressure washer in the rain because it is easier to wash away the surface since the dirt and debris are already loose. Not to mention rainwater makes it easier to wash away the detergent without requiring a lot of water. But there is always a risk of causing damage to the pressure washing unit if water gets inside it or even electrocution in case of an electric pressure washer. Therefore in this article, we will explain in detail whether it is safe to get a pressure washer wet or not, so keep reading.

Is it ok to get a pressure washer wet?

It is important to remember that some pressure washers are designed to handle more abuse than others. This means while some pressure washers can get damaged by a big splash of water on the main unit, other heavy-duty ones can handle being used in the rain. A good rule of thumb is to look for an IP rating on your pressure washer to decide whether it can handle wet conditions or not. But even if your lawnmower has an IP rating, you should still avoid using it if the ground is too wet or raining too heavily. While gas-powered pressure washers are a bit more water-resistant than electric ones, they still have an engine, and using it in the rain can result in some issues.

But if the pressure washer in question is an electric one, you should be extra careful when using it in wet conditions because there is always a risk of electrocution when handling electronic equipment in wet conditions. So if you intend to use a pressure washer outdoors in wet conditions, it is best to get a gas-powered one because they are more durable and can stand wet conditions better than electric ones. The bottom line is that if you have a pressure washer with no IP rating mentioned on its user manual, then it is best to use it in dry conditions. You might be able to get away with getting your pressure washer wet once or twice if it doesn’t have an IP rating, but there is always a risk of water getting inside the protective casing and damaging the components.

Can a pressure washer be left outside in rain?

You might think that while a pressure washer is off, it cannot get damaged by water or rain. But in reality, leaving a pressure washer unit outside in the rain will cause corrosion and can even damage the appliance. That is why most pressure washers have a disclaimer that says, “do not use the unit to clean itself,” which means the pressure washer unit is not meant to be exposed to direct jets of water or large amounts of water such as during constantly heavy rainfall. So if you are done using your pressure washer and want to store it for more than a month, don’t just leave it outside because chances are if the pressure washer unit is left out in the elements, it won’t be able to work properly when you want to use it again.

For long-term storage, you would want to remove all the gasoline from the unit if it is a gasoline washer and find a dry place to store it until further use. If you absolutely have to leave the pressure washer unit outside for a day or two, it is best to invest in a waterproof and sturdy pressure washer cover to protect the unit.

How to safely use a pressure washer in wet conditions?

If you are using your pressure washer in wet conditions, the following precautions are going to allow you to keep both yourself and the pressure washer safe:

  • Wet ground: When using an electric pressure washer on the wet ground, make sure to avoid using an extension cord as much as possible.
  • Extension cord: If you absolutely have to use an extension cord with the pressure washer, take extra care to submerge the extension cord connection in water as it can result in an electric shock. You can find outdoor extension cords here. To further protect the cable, you can use an outdoor extension cord safety cover that protects the connection between the two cables. You can find outdoor extension cord safety covers here.
  • Puddle of water: Make sure that the pressure washer unit is not placed in a puddle of water, and to avoid this, you can stand the pressure washer unit on a bench or stool to elevate it from the wet ground below and keep it as dry as possible.

Commercial Vs residential pressure washers: Which ones are more water-resistant?

When you are shopping for pressure washers, you will find two types of units; the commercial power washers and the residential ones. Both of them are made with different intended uses in mind, and both of them have different levels of quality. But the most prominent difference is the water-resistance of both residential and commercial power washers.

Commercial pressure washers

Commercial pressure washers, as the name suggests, mean business. These are the highest quality and the most powerful power washing units available in the market, and with great quality comes great waterproofing. Since these units are meant to be used outdoors and indoors for heavy-duty jobs and for long periods of time, they are kept at a higher level of water resistance than their residential counterparts. They are made using high-quality enclosures that seal the vital components inside and prevent water from getting in, making them the perfect choice for outdoor usage and water splashes. Most commercial pressure washers are gas-powered because electric-powered washers are not as powerful as gas-powered ones. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the cord getting wet or short-circuiting the unit when used in wet conditions.

You can find professional pressure washers here.

Of course, the downside of a commercial pressure washer is that they are very expensive and they can cost you several thousand dollars to purchase, and the maintenance cost is also going to be high. Not to mention the exhaust gases they emit, making them difficult to use indoors, which can be considered a downside of commercial pressure washers. But considering the safety they provide against water damage and electrocution, the higher price is definitely justified. A few high-powered electric power washers are available that are meant for commercial usage, which can be used indoors without worrying about exhaust gases building up.

Residential pressure washers

Residential pressure washers can be bought at a fraction of the price of commercial pressure washers, and they are available in electric-powered and gas-powered units. But the problem with these smaller and cheaper residential power washers is that they usually don’t have an IP rating, and the ones with an IP rating for water resistance, the rating is not very high. That is why they are not meant to be used in extremely wet conditions because there is a high probability of water damage if a residential pressure washer is exposed to a lot of moisture. Besides, if the device is not meant to be used in wet conditions, it is not water-resistant, and it is common sense not to use it in such conditions.

You can find residential pressure washers here.


Pressure washers make the cleaning process a lot faster, and they are very effective in cleaning a wide range of surfaces. But when it comes to being used under wet conditions, it is best to stick with heavy-duty pressure washers with a decent water resistance rating rather than trying your luck with a residential unit. Although pressure washers are bound to get wet since water can deflect from a surface and splash onto the pressure washer unit, they are designed to handle it. When it comes to usage in heavy rainfall or extremely wet ground conditions, a gasoline-powered wireless pressure washer is a much safer bet compared to an electric pressure washer since there isn’t a risk of electrocution. But if you are not sure about whether your pressure washer is designed for getting wet or not, it is best to postpone outdoor cleaning until it is dry enough.

  1. Florence Lopez says:

    I didn’t realize how important it is to check the IP rating of a pressure washer for water resistance.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for bringing up the importance of checking the IP rating of a pressure washer for water resistance! It’s crucial to ensure the safety and longevity of the unit.

  2. Austin Wade says:

    How do commercial pressure washers differ from residential ones?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Commercial pressure washers are more water-resistant than residential ones. They have higher quality enclosures to prevent water damage. If you’re using a pressure washer outdoors in wet conditions, a commercial one is a safer choice.

  3. Christy Graves says:

    Interesting to learn about the IP rating for water resistance on pressure washers.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Christy! I’m glad you found the information on IP ratings for water resistance on pressure washers interesting. It’s crucial to consider this feature when choosing the right pressure washer for your needs.

  4. Ricky West says:

    Is it safe to store a pressure washer outside?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      It is safe to store a pressure washer outside, but avoid leaving it in heavy rain for extended periods. Consider using a cover. Always check the IP rating for water resistance.

  5. Martin Mccoy says:

    Can a pressure washer be used in light rain?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      For light rain, a pressure washer can handle it, but avoid using it in heavy rain to prevent potential damage. Always prioritize safety when using electronic equipment outdoors.

  6. Isaac Miles says:

    Can a residential pressure washer handle light rain?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      It’s best to avoid using a residential pressure washer in light rain to prevent potential water damage. Consider a commercial unit with a higher IP rating for water resistance. Stay safe!

  7. Eugene Burton says:

    Very informative article on the precautions to take when using a pressure washer in wet conditions.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Eugene! I’m glad you found the article informative. Remember to check the IP rating of your pressure washer for safe use in wet conditions. Stay safe!

  8. Ethan Terry says:

    Where can I find professional pressure washers?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      You can find professional pressure washers online or at your local hardware store. Look for those with a high IP rating for water resistance for best results.

  9. Michelle Caldwell says:

    I never knew there were different types of pressure washers for different purposes.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Glad you found the information helpful! It’s always important to know how to use your pressure washer safely. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.

  10. Kent Reed says:

    Great comparison between commercial and residential pressure washers in terms of water resistance.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Kent! I appreciate your feedback on the comparison between commercial and residential pressure washers in terms of water resistance.

  11. Bernice Simpson says:

    Can a pressure washer be used with an extension cord in the rain?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      It’s best to avoid using a pressure washer with an extension cord in the rain to prevent the risk of electric shock. Stay safe!

  12. Patsy Hill says:

    Helpful tips on avoiding electric shock when using a pressure washer with an extension cord in wet conditions.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for reading! It’s important to follow safety precautions when using a pressure washer in wet conditions. Stay safe and keep your pressure washer protected.

  13. Zoe Anderson says:

    Good advice on storing a pressure washer properly when not in use to prevent damage.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Zoe! Storing a pressure washer properly is key to preventing damage. I appreciate you reading the post!

  14. Jacob Vargas says:

    The information on using a gas-powered pressure washer in wet conditions was eye-opening.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Jacob! It’s important to be cautious with pressure washers in wet conditions. If your unit has a high IP rating, you can use it safely, but it’s best to avoid prolonged exposure to water. Stay safe!

  15. Erin Diaz says:

    What precautions should be taken when using a pressure washer in wet conditions?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your question, Erin! It’s important to check the IP rating of your pressure washer to see if it is safe for wet conditions. Gas-powered units are usually more water-resistant than electric ones.

  16. Julian Barnett says:

    I found it helpful to know the downsides of commercial pressure washers despite their water resistance.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for pointing out the importance of knowing the downsides of commercial pressure washers despite their water resistance. Safety is key when using pressure washers in wet conditions.

  17. Jesus Wright says:

    What are the benefits of using a gas-powered pressure washer in wet conditions?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      It is safe to use a gas-powered pressure washer in wet conditions as long as it has a high IP rating for water resistance. Just be cautious with electrical connections and avoid prolonged exposure to excess water.

  18. Zoey Mendoza says:

    I appreciate the detailed explanation on whether it’s safe to use a pressure washer in wet conditions.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Zoey! I’m glad you found the explanation helpful. It’s best to check for an IP rating on your pressure washer to ensure it’s safe in wet conditions.

  19. Brent James says:

    What are some safety tips for using a pressure washer in wet conditions?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Hi Brent, it’s best to avoid using a pressure washer in wet conditions to prevent damage and electrocution. Commercial units are more water-resistant than residential ones. Stay safe!

  20. Alberto Ward says:

    Can a pressure washer be used on a wet surface?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      It’s best to avoid using a pressure washer on a wet surface for long periods of time to prevent damage. Check the IP rating for water-resistance and use gas-powered washers for wet conditions.

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