There are many different types of saws, and each one has its own purpose. While some saws are more versatile than others and work on different projects, it’s a good idea to have a saw that is meant for the type of job you are doing. When it comes to choosing between a chainsaw and a hand saw, there are a few things to think about before you decide which one is the best option for your project.
Generally, a handsaw is used for small jobs, when noise is an issue, or in small locations where it is impossible to use a chainsaw. A chainsaw excels in bigger jobs like felling trees, cutting logs, and more. A handsaw requires less maintenance, is cheaper, smaller, lighter, and makes less noise. They both are used for different jobs and go very well together.

If you are planning to cut something up or cut down a tree, you have the option to use either a hand saw or a chainsaw. While both saws have their benefits and work best on different types of projects, it’s up to you to decide which one you feel more comfortable using and which one you think works the best for your needs. Before you can decide which type of saw is best for you, be sure to think about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of saws.
What’s The Difference Between A Chainsaw And A Hand Saw?
If you are going to purchase a saw for a project, you need to know the difference between a chainsaw and a hand saw. There are actually a lot of differences between the two, and they usually are not used for the same types of projects. Here are some of the differences between a chainsaw and a hand saw.
● Handsaw vs Chainsaw: Size
Chainsaws are heavier and generally is the larger of the two saws. Chainsaws have motors and long saw blades that are attached to them. The bulky motor and extra weight make them much larger and heavier than hand saws.
Hand saws are generally small and lightweight. They have no motors, and the blades are typically shorter. There is simply a handle that is made of either plastic or wooden. Many smaller handsaws can fold, protecting the saw blade, and making it easy to take with you.
● Handsaw vs Chainsaw: Price
Chainsaws are much more expensive than hand saws. While the price of different chainsaws can vary, they usually range between $100 and $600. Some heavy-duty chainsaws can be much more expensive. Hand saws are much more affordable. They range from $20 to $50.
● Handsaw vs Chainsaw: Storage
Hand saws are so small that you can easily toss them in a toolbox, tool bag or your backpack. Even though they are small and lightweight, they are also durable. So there is no need to worry about other tools damaging them when they are all tossed in the same bag together. The chainsaw is a little more difficult to store and transport. Many chainsaws come with cases that help protect the blades as well as the motor. The large size of the chainsaw makes it a little harder to store in tool bags and boxes, so storing it in its own case is the better option.
● Handsaw vs Chainsaw: Operation Costs
If you are worried about the cost of operating the saws, the hand saw is the more affordable option. There is no cost to operate a hand saw, and once you buy it, you only have to sharpen it and clean it. Chainsaws do cost money to operate. They either require gas or electricity for power, and they often need chainsaw oil to operate properly.
When Are Chainsaws The Better Option?
Chainsaws are an excellent option when you need to perform a heavy-duty job, have a lot of work, or need to get something done quickly. Because chainsaws are powered by a motor, they are capable of cutting through heavy materials and larger objects easily and much faster compared to most other saws.
Chainsaws are often used to cut up wood, slice wood, cut down trees, cut down heavy wooden beams, and perform other construction projects. Cutting a tree with a handsaw is no problem, but it takes a lot of time and energy.
When Are Hand Saws The Better Option?
Hand saws are often better for small jobs around the house or yard. The blades can be sharpened and are capable of sawing through wood and other objects, but they take a lot more work.
Hand saws can require a little bit of elbow grease to operate, and while they may be able to cut through some of the same things as a chainsaw, they will take much longer to complete the project, and it will be much more challenging to get the job done.
Personally, I think a chainsaw and a handsaw are a good combination. I use a chainsaw for most jobs, but there are many occasions where I use the hand saw as well.
What Are The Benefits Of Using A Chainsaw?
If you are wondering if you should buy a chainsaw for your next project, you may want to consider the many benefits of using a chainsaw.
● Benefits Chainsaw: Fast
Chainsaws allow you to get a job done quickly. If you are in a hurry or have a lot of cutting, you don’t want this to take ages. The best way to do that is with a chainsaw. They start quickly and are powerful enough to cut through many things and get the job done in a timely manner.
● Benefits Chainsaw: Versatile
Chainsaws are very versatile and can be used on many different projects. It’s always a good idea to have a chainsaw around in the event that you might need it for one project or another. You can use chainsaws to cut wood, plastic, metal, and many more materials.
● Benefits Chainsaw: Easy To Use
Chainsaws are relatively easy to start and use, and if you need to get something done, you can usually start it up in a matter of minutes and start working on your project quickly. Chainsaws are reliable and aren’t likely to stall often, and will complete the project with no problem.
● Benefits Chainsaw: Do not get stuck easily
One of the problems with a handsaw is that it can easily get stuck when wood presses against the saw blade. A chainsaw can also get stuck, but this does not happen that quickly.
● Benefits Chainsaw: Easy To Refuel
Chainsaws can be electric or gas, and either option is easy to use. If using an electric chainsaw, you simply have to plug it into the outlet and turn it on. For a battery-powered chainsaw, you charge the batteries, click them in place, and of you go.
A gas chainsaw is the most complex one, but when it is well maintained, it is just a matter of adding gas and starting it. Generally, gas chainsaws are very reliable.
What Are The Benefits Of Using A Hand Saw?
Hand saws are convenient and easy to take wherever you go. You may choose to use a hand saw if you are in a tight spot, need to cut or see something thin or a small area, or don’t have time to start a noisy chainsaw. Here are some of the benefits of using a hand saw.
● Benefits Hand Saw: Lightweight
Hand saws are very lightweight, so they are easy to use. Your arms and hands won’t get tired holding it. If you happen to have mobility issues or can’t hold heavy objects for a long time, a handsaw can still get the job done without causing discomfort.
It is also small, meaning you can easily take it anywhere. Even when I plan to use the chainsaw, I always take one with me.
● Benefits Hand Saw: No Refueling
When using a hand saw, you never have to worry about stopping to add more gas or plug the saw in. You can operate it as long as you want or as long as you can, and you can take breaks as often as you choose.
● Benefits Hand Saw: Almost no maintenance
A handsaw almost does not need any maintenance compared with a chainsaw. I recommend cleaning the handsaw after you have used it and checking if it needs sharpening. In contrast, a chainsaw needs much more cleaning, sharpening the chain is more work, you have to add chainsaw oil, and when you own a gas model, the engine needs regular maintenance.
● Benefits Hand Saw: Almost no noise
You can use a handsaw everywhere as it does not produce a lot of noise. There are many locations or times of day when you do not want to use a chainsaw, making a lot of noise.
● Benefits Hand Saw: A handsaw is cheap
A handsaw is much cheaper than a chainsaw. Depending on the size, quality, and features, you can expect to pay $20 and up. But a good one will be more expensive. Some of the smaller models I like are foldable, so it is small and protected when you do not need them.
● Benefits Hand Saw: Safety
Since hand saws are operated by hand, there is much less safety concern. You should still be careful when using a hand saw on a project, but there is no motor or hazard of losing control and accidentally cutting yourself. You can also wrap the saw up in a towel or find blade covers that will keep the saw secure.
● Benefits Hand Saw: More Control
Since you operate the saw by hand, you have more control over it and can work on more detailed projects. You won’t have to worry about struggling to steady it, as it’s lightweight. You can use a handsaw in tighter spaces for this same reason.
Chainsaw and Hand Saw Safety Tips
Whether you choose a hand saw or a chainsaw, you want to ensure you stay safe while using them. You can do a few things to help protect yourself and others when using a saw of any type.
● Wear Protection
Many types of protective clothing can help you stay safe while operating a chainsaw or any type of saw. They stop the saw if it hits your legs or arms and can prevent you from getting cut if you lose control of the saws.
The minimum I recommend is ear, eye, and suitable leg protection when using a chainsaw. When using a hand saw, wear some gloves. You will use a handsaw much more often with one hand, so protecting the other will lower the chance you cut yourself.
● Stay Alert
It would be best always to stay alert when working with a saw. You should make sure the area around you is safe and there is nobody around that may get in the way of your project. Ensure you have a safe area marked out so nobody will enter while using the saw.
● Storage
Always store your saw properly to ensure they are put away from children and won’t be likely to fall out and accidentally cut someone. If you keep your saw with other tools or in a place where you have to reach your hand into a tool bag blindly, be sure to wrap the saw blades, so you don’t scratch your arm or fingers on the blades.
Great information on the benefits and drawbacks of both chainsaws and hand saws.
Thank you Jennifer! I’m glad you found the information helpful in making your decision. Let me know if you have any questions.
I find hand saws more convenient for small tasks around the house.
Thank you for sharing your preference, Bob. It’s great to hear what works best for you! I also find hand saws convenient for small tasks around the house. Happy sawing!
Hand saws are great for small projects and detailed work.
Thank you, Sophia! I agree, hand saws are great for detailed work and small projects. It’s always good to have the right tool for the job.
What kind of projects are best suited for a chainsaw?
Chainsaws are best for heavy-duty jobs like felling trees and cutting logs quickly and efficiently. Chainsaws are more powerful and versatile, while handsaws are better for smaller, detailed work where noise may be an issue.
I prefer using a chainsaw for big jobs, it saves me a lot of time.
Thanks for sharing your preference, Freddie! Chainsaws are indeed great for saving time on big jobs. It’s always good to have the right tools for the job. Happy sawing!
What is the best way to maintain a chainsaw?
Thank you for your question, Randy! The best way to maintain a chainsaw is to clean it after each use, regularly sharpen the chain, and ensure proper lubrication. Regular maintenance will keep your chainsaw working efficiently.
Do you have any recommendations for a beginner who wants to buy a saw?
Thank you for your question! For a beginner, I recommend starting with a hand saw for smaller jobs and to practice your cutting skills. It’s a great tool to get comfortable with before moving on to a chainsaw.
It’s interesting to learn about the different use cases for chainsaws and hand saws.
Thank you, Francisco! I’m glad you found the information on chainsaws and hand saws interesting. They both have their strengths and are great tools to have on hand for different projects.
Chainsaws seem like a good investment for heavy-duty projects.
Thank you, Phyllis! Chainsaws are indeed great for heavy-duty projects, but hand saws have their benefits for smaller jobs. Both tools have their place in a well-equipped toolbox.
Hand saws are great for precision work and smaller cuts.
Thank you, Anna! I agree that hand saws are great for precision work and smaller cuts, while chainsaws are better for bigger jobs. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job at hand.
I like that hand saws are lightweight, makes it easier to use for longer periods.
Thank you, Addison! Hand saws are indeed great for extended use due to their lightweight design. They are a perfect alternative for quieter, smaller, and detailed jobs where a chainsaw might be too big or powerful.
Can a hand saw cut through thick branches?
Yes, a hand saw can cut through thick branches, but it may take more time and effort compared to a chainsaw. Consider the size of the branch and the amount of work involved before deciding which saw to use.
Is it recommended to wear any specific protective gear when using a hand saw?
When using a hand saw, it’s recommended to wear gloves to protect your hands. Chainsaws require more safety gear, including ear, eye, and leg protection. Stay safe!
I never thought about the storage aspect when choosing between a chainsaw and hand saw.
Thank you for your comment, Maurice. Storage is definitely an important factor to consider when choosing between a chainsaw and hand saw. Each has its own advantages depending on the job at hand.
I like that hand saws are more affordable and easy to transport.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Peggy! Hand saws are definitely a great option for affordability and easy transport. It’s always good to have both a hand saw and a chainsaw in your toolbox for different projects.
Are there any safety tips specific to using a chainsaw?
Always wear protective gear and stay alert while using a chainsaw or hand saw. Gloves for a hand saw, and ear, eye, and leg protection for a chainsaw are recommended. Keep your saw properly stored and out of reach.
How often should I sharpen the blade of a hand saw?
It’s best to sharpen the blade of a hand saw after every big project or when you notice the cuts are becoming less clean. Regular sharpening ensures optimal performance.
I appreciate the comparison between chainsaws and hand saws, it’s helpful.
Thank you, Yvonne! I’m glad you found the comparison helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions or topics you’d like me to cover in future posts.
I never knew hand saws were so affordable, maybe I should get one.
I’m glad you found the information helpful! Hand saws are a great addition to any toolkit for smaller tasks. Let me know if you have any questions about them.
Safety is always a priority when working with tools, thank you for the safety tips.
Thank you Marilyn! Safety is key when working with tools. I’m glad you found the safety tips helpful. Stay safe and happy DIYing!