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Is Motor Oil OK in Your Pressure Washer Pump? What pros say

The Right Lubricant for Your Pressure Washer? Are you wondering about the best lubricant for your pressure washer pump? We’ve got you covered. Our in-depth knowledge and experience will provide you with the answers you need.

The truth is that motor oil is unsuitable for power washer pumps. The motor (engine) and pump require different types of oil. You don’t want to risk using the wrong pump oil and grinding the inner workings of your machine to a halt. And while you can clean the pump and fill it with new oil, you will have a complex situation to handle should you use pump oil on the motor. You should also note that depending on the temperature of your locale, the kind of oil usable on the pressure water pump varies. 

Want to know how the wrong oil can affect your pressure washer pump? Explore the potential damage and learn how to prevent it. Understand the importance of using the right lubricant for optimal performance. Continue reading to keep your machine running smoothly.

Here you can find Pressure washer pump oil.


Why lubricate a pressure washer pump?

A prominent argument is that movable parts in a machine require lubrication to run smoothly. In this case, pumps in gasoline-powered pressure washers require regular lubrication for optimal functioning. Electric variants do not need oiling.

Moreover, taking note that pumps are the workhorses in pressure washers, keeping them in excellent working condition is necessary.

Lubrication is one of the pillars of mechanics, especially design elements. Engineering graduates will tell you that a lecture on the type of oil suitable for different machine components takes at least two weeks for each component.

Thus, oiling pumps in pressure washers is something you should care about because of the following reasons:

● Improves the performance of pumps

Typically, oiling the pumps improves their performance. Failing to lubricate pressure washer pumps is a recipe for wear and tear. You should notice overheating when the oil in the pump becomes less valuable due to contamination.

An ideal lubricant ensures smooth contact of the pump against nearby components so that it draws water into the washer and pumps it through the nozzle at high pressure. Here you can find Pressure washer pump oil,, the best pressure washer oil I’ve used.

Here, you can find Pressure washer pump oil.

● Lubrication is a requirement for meeting warranty terms and conditions

Some manufacturers are stringent when it comes to meeting their warranty obligations. For pressure washers, you should check the user manual for details. Will the manufacturer void the warranty if you fail to lubricate moving parts such as the pump and motor?

It is easy to spot dirty oil, so you don’t want to let your pressure washer burn out due to a lack of regular lubrication.

● Lubrication ensures longevity

Lubrication is the key to your machine’s longevity in the care and maintenance of machines such as power washer pumps. When unlubricated parts slide over each other, it adds wear and tear. It means you will replace the pump sooner than necessary.

Wear and tear is an essential evil in machines, but lack of oiling speeds it up, pushing up the cost of maintenance. What oil does my pressure washer use? The oil type does matter, especially for gas-powered pressure washers. They need engine oil to cool and lubricate the engine.

Preventing damage to your pressure washer pump is a matter of diligence and routine. According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the key lies in regular maintenance and timely oil changes. These simple steps can significantly enhance the longevity and performance of your pressure washer pump

● It is costly to rebuild/repair pressure washer pumps

Failing to lubricate the pump in your power washer puts the component at risk of burn-out. The damage might be beyond repair. We bet you don’t want to tread the path of negligence. But let’s state that you will have little to worry about if lack of lubrication dirties the un-loader valve.

All you will do if that is the case is to access and clean the pump. Moreover, a lack of lubrication makes repairing damaged o-rings and seals easy. However, problems with swash plates and pistons are a little advanced, usually requiring a complete pump overhaul.

Therefore, using the right pressure washer oils to cool and lubricate the pump is crucial for the longevity of your pressure washer.

● What is the difference between motor and pump oil?

The differences between oil for the pressure washer motor and pump are their properties. For those who have dug deeper into this subject, you already know that additives give lubricants varying properties.  You will note that silicon compounds are common in pump oils.

Their role is to guard against foaming. On the other hand, motor oil contains detergents such as magnesium sulfonate. Thus, you may ask, what oil do you use, and does the type of pressure washer oil matter? Well, we researched the differences and discovered the following:

– Detergent vs. non-detergent oils

Detergent oils serve to clean the inner surfaces of a motor. A filter removes contaminants so they don’t get to ball bearings. It means that most, if not all, modern motors have an oil filter and work best with detergent oils.

The absence of a filter would mean oil gets dirty fast; hence, you need to replace it more frequently. Non-detergent oils are suitable for pumps in pressure washers. It is because they do not have oil filters. Therefore, lubricating pumps with detergent oils pose a risk of wear and tear due to faster contamination.

Here, you can find Pressure washer pump oil.

Understanding the risks associated with using the wrong type of oil in a pressure washer pump is crucial. It can increase friction, overheating, and premature wear on the pump components. This misuse can shorten the pump’s lifespan, leading to unnecessary costs and downtime.

– Non-foaming vs. non-aeration oil additives

It is essential to use anti-aeration and anti-foaming additives in pump oils. Aeration often leads to vibration/undesirable chattering and, in the process, makes the oil less viscous. Due to aeration, highly viscous oil is ineffective on movable pressure washer components like the water pump.

Thus, most pump oils have anti-aeration additives.  And when it comes to foaming of oil in the pump, it can cause pressure or leaks.

– Oil labeling as a distinguishing characteristic

When shopping for pump oil, look for the labeling ND, which stands for non-detergent. Also, look for the words ‘pump oil.’ Any oil labeled ‘classic cars,’ usually from the early ’90s, is ideal for pressure water pumps.

The catch is that cars manufactured in the 1920s or earlier used non-detergent oils because they did not have oil filters. Therefore, the expert must consider what oil to use for a pressure washer.

Always look for labelings such as 15W 40 and SAE 30. The begging question is, what do they mean to a novice homesteader looking for pressure pump oil? Well, it is all about viscosity. Take, for example, SAE 20, which means the oil flows easily compared to SAE 40 under the same conditions.

In cases when you come across labels such as SAE15 W 40, it denotes multi-viscosity. The first value (15) signifies ease of flow at low temperatures, while the second (40) is the viscosity at high temperatures.

When to change pump oil in your pressure washer

Typical residential pressure washer pumps are permanently sealed; hence, there is no need for oil replacement. In the case of pump failures, replacement is the ideal thing to do instead of repair. You should read the user manual to ascertain the ideal measures.

However, most power washers in the market today have pumps that require regular lubrication. You can call it an oil change.

Thus, regardless of the model or brand of your pressure washer, pump maintenance is crucial because of the reasons we explored earlier. Now, when it comes to figuring out the frequency of changing oil, let’s state the following:

  • Check and examine the oil: Use a dipstick to check the oil level in the pump to determine if changing it is necessary. You should replace the oil that is darker, milky, and has particles. Sticking to non-foaming, non-aeration, and non-detergent pump oils with elements that inhibit rusting would be best.
  • Change pump oil at the start: We advise that you change pump oil 10 hours after the first use, usually at the beginning of spring. The catch is that oil in power washer pumps thickens during winter, and not changing it at the start of a new season poses a risk to the components’ health.
  • Read the owner’s manual: You should always read the user manual and learn more about maintenance tips on pressure pumps. Most manufacturers state the frequency of changing pump oil, is essential to novice craftsmen.
  • Oil changing frequency: The next time you should change oil is after every 250 hours of using the machine. It is a golden rule for most manufacturers. It translates to quarterly (3 months) frequency. It also applies to motor oil in pressure washers.  

Pressure Washer Pump Oil Substitute

Because a pressure washer pump does not have an oil filter, I recommend using non-detergent oil in the pump. Non-detergent oils keep the wear and metals at the bottom of the pump, whereas detergent oils keep circulating it.

Using detergent oil in a pump or small engine that does not have an oil filter means more wear and tear. But I recommend changing the pump oil every 250 hours or at least once a year if possible.

Do I need to change the oil in my pressure washer pump?

Generally, most consumer pressure washers have maintenance-free pressure washer pumps. That applies to most machines under $500. These machines use a sealed pump where the oil can not be changed. If the pump is damaged, it needs to be replaced.

More expensive pressure washers use a pump with replaceable oil. You can notice the fill and drain plug in the pressure washer pump.

Final Remarks

The bottom line is that motor oil is unsuitable for pressure washer pumps. Pumps do not have oil filters and risk damage due to impurities in motor oils; always use non-detergent oils. And when replacing used lubricants that have become less dense, do not overfill the pump.

An oil leak is the worst problem you want to deal with, let alone damaged seals. Here, you can find Pressure washer pump oil. Most importantly, stick to the manufacturer’s instructions in the user manual, including safe disposal of used oil at a recycling plant. You would rather be safe than sorry.

Lubrication and Your Pressure Washer Pump

• Importance of Lubrication for Pressure Washer Pumps

Lubrication is crucial in pressure washer pumps’ optimal functioning and longevity. Regular lubrication improves these pumps’ performance, creating a smoother operation.

• Warranty Concerns and Lubrication

It’s important to note that some manufacturers may void the pressure washer warranty if regular lubrication is not performed. This shows how essential lubrication is to the maintenance routine of these devices.

• Understanding Pump Oil vs. Motor Oil

Choosing the right type of lubricant is essential. Although they might seem similar, pump oil and motor oil have different properties. Hence, they should not be used interchangeably. Such inappropriate substitution could decrease the pump’s efficiency or perhaps irreversible damage.

• Choosing the Right Pump Oil

When selecting pump oil for your pressure pump, it’s necessary to consider the temperature of the locale. This is because oils behave differently under varied temperatures. Additionally, the oil should specifically state pump oil or ND (non-detergent) on the label.

• The Value of Non-Detergent Oils

Non-detergent oil is particularly suitable for pressure washer pumps. Since these pumps do not have oil filters, non-detergent oils are less likely to cause wear and tear. These oils are better at keeping all internal parts clean and free from deposits caused by even the most minor impurities.

• Characteristics to Look for in Pump Oils

Good pump oils should possess anti-aeration and anti-foaming additives. These specific qualities help maintain pump health over time. Further, these oils should have a known viscosity, typically denoted by labels like SAE 20 or SAE 40.

• Consider Pistons in Residential Pressure Washers

For residential pressure washer pump owners, it is essential to note that these pumps are permanently sealed. This means they do not require oil replacement, hence relieving homeowners from the extra maintenance task.

• Signs for Changing Pump Oil

The appearance of the oil can give adequate signs for an oil change. If the oil in the pump appears darker, milky or has visible particles, it is time for a change.

Pressure washer pumps perform optimally when lubricated with non-detergent pump oil or SAE 30 oil, as most manufacturers recommend. However, the key to ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your equipment lies in adhering to the specific guidelines provided in the owner’s manual. Remember, precision in maintenance is the secret to seamless operation.

• Time for Oil Change

Another optimal time to change pump oil is at the start of the season. This prevents any potential damage from the thickening of oil under cold winter conditions. For the best advice on frequency, it is recommended to check the user manual.

• Using Non-Detergent Oil as a Substitute

There might be occasions when pressure washer pump oil isn’t available. In such a situation, non-detergent oil can serve as a good substitute.

• Maintenance of Consumer Pressure Washers

Most consumer washers come equipped with maintenance-free pumps. This means that these pumps don’t require a periodic oil change, offering considerable convenience to owners.

• Replaceable Oil in Advanced Models

High-end pressure washers often have pumps equipped with replaceable oil. This means that the oil in these pumps should be periodically replaced to maintain pump efficiency.

• Dangers of Using Motor Oil

One important aspect is that motor oil is unsuitable for pressure washers. Its use can lead to severe damage to the pump. For more information on the subject, look into this comprehensive research by the University of Kentucky on pressure washer maintenance.

• In Conclusion

In summary, adequate and correct lubrication is vital for maintaining pressure washer pumps. While some pumps have replaceable oils, others don’t require any changes.

Regardless, it’s always best to adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations on maintaining the pump to enjoy its benefits for a longer duration.

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  1. Michele Palmer says:

    What are the signs that indicate that it’s time to change the pump oil?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regular oil changes are essential for optimal pump performance. Check the oil for darkness, milkiness, and particles to determine when to change it. Stick to non-detergent pump oils to prevent wear and tear.

  2. Chris Diaz says:

    I never knew how crucial lubricating the pump was until reading this article.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for your feedback, Chris! It’s great to know you found the article informative. Remember, using the right pump oil is crucial for optimal pressure washer performance. Keep up the good maintenance!

  3. Aaron Clark says:

    Can I use non-detergent oil for my pressure washer pump?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Non-detergent oil is the best option for your pressure washer pump, as motor oil is not suitable. Stick to the right lubricant for optimal performance and longevity.

  4. Johnny Porter says:

    This article has really helped me understand the significance of using the right lubricant for my pressure washer pump.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Johnny! We’re glad the article helped you understand the importance of using the right lubricant for your pressure washer pump. Happy cleaning!

  5. Dianne Vasquez says:

    The explanations on oil viscosity are quite enlightening and easy to understand.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Dianne! We’re thrilled that you found our explanation on oil viscosity helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions.

  6. Gladys Bell says:

    How often should I change the oil in my pressure washer pump?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      For optimal performance and longevity, change your pressure washer pump oil every 250 hours or at least once a year with non-detergent oil. Stick to manufacturer instructions and avoid using motor oil to prevent damage.

  7. Shelly Elliott says:

    Should I be concerned about using the wrong oil in my pressure washer pump?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      “Using the wrong oil in your pressure washer pump can cause serious damage. Stick to non-detergent pump oils for optimal performance and longevity. Follow manufacturer instructions for best results.”

  8. Josephine Young says:

    I appreciate the detailed explanation on the differences between pump oil and motor oil.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for reading! I’m glad you found the information helpful in understanding the differences between pump oil and motor oil. Stay tuned for more maintenance tips on pressure washer pumps.

  9. Holly Griffin says:

    I feel more confident now about choosing the right pump oil for my pressure washer after reading this article.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for reading the article, Holly! I’m glad you found it helpful in choosing the right pump oil for your pressure washer. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal performance.

  10. Eugene Davis says:

    Is it okay to use motor oil as a substitute for pump oil?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      No, motor oil is not suitable for pump oil. Different parts require different types of oil. Using the wrong oil can cause damage. Stick to the manufacturer’s recommendations for optimal performance.

  11. Anthony Anderson says:

    The tips on when to change pump oil are very helpful for maintenance purposes.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Anthony Anderson! We appreciate your feedback and hope the information provided will help you with maintaining your pressure washer pump. Let us know if you have any other questions.

  12. Wyatt Nichols says:

    Great information on the importance of lubrication for pressure washer pumps.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Wyatt! I appreciate your comment and hope the information on pressure washer pump lubrication was helpful to you. Let me know if you have any more questions.

  13. Clifton Carr says:

    Great advice on checking the oil appearance as a sign for when to change pump oil. Very useful information.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Clifton! We’re glad you found the information helpful. Remember, using the right pump oil is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Happy cleaning!

  14. Manuel Nichols says:

    I will definitely keep in mind the importance of using non-detergent oil for my pressure washer pump.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you for taking note of the importance of using non-detergent oil for your pressure washer pump. Your maintenance routine will surely benefit from this key information.

  15. Albert Edwards says:

    Which brand of pump oil do you recommend?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Non-detergent oil is recommended for your pressure washer pump. Avoid using motor oil to prevent damage. Read more on pump maintenance in the blog post.

  16. Dennis Mason says:

    Are there any specific steps to follow when changing the pump oil?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Yes, follow specific steps when changing pump oil to maintain optimal performance. Using the right lubricant is crucial for the longevity of your pressure washer. Stick to manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

  17. Vernon Bailey says:

    Can I find pump oil at regular hardware stores?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Yes, you can find pump oil at regular hardware stores. Ensure it is specifically labeled as pump oil or ND (non-detergent) to keep your pressure washer running smoothly.

  18. Kirk Arnold says:

    The section on warranty concerns and lubrication was an eye-opener for me. I will make sure to lubricate regularly.

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Thank you, Kirk! Regular lubrication is key for optimal performance and longevity of your pressure washer pump. Keep up the good maintenance habits!

  19. Mabel Hill says:

    Does the temperature of my location affect the type of oil I should use?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      The temperature of your location does indeed affect the type of oil you should use in your pressure washer pump. Be sure to choose pump oil that is suitable for the specific temperature range in your area.

  20. Maxine Richards says:

    What are the consequences of not lubricating the pump regularly?

    • Allard Vdhooft says:

      Regular lubrication of your pressure washer pump is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Using the wrong oil can lead to damage or burn-out. Stick to non-detergent oils, and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance.
